Speller Properties


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The Speller type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAutoCorrect
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether auto correct is enabled.
Public propertyIgnoreCompoundWords
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to ignore compound words.
Public propertyIgnoreEmailAddresses
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to ignore Email addresses.
Public propertyIgnoreFilenames
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to ignore filenames.
Public propertyIgnoreHtmlTags
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to ignore HTML tags.
Public propertyIgnoreInternetAddresses
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to ignore Internet addresses.
Public propertyIgnoreRepeatedWords
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to ignore repeated words.
Public propertyIgnoreWordsInMixedCase
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to ignore words in mixed case.
Public propertyIgnoreWordsInUpperCase
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to ignore words in uppercase.
Public propertyIgnoreWordsWithNumbers
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to ignore words with numbers.
Public propertyMaxSuggestions
Gets or sets the maximum number of suggestions.

See Also