ClickOK Event


Collapse image Expand Image Copy image CopyHover image
Raised when the user clicks the OK button on the spell check dialog box.

You have to set the PostBackOnOK property to True to let the control postback to server.

In VS.NET, you can double-click the Spell Check button to generate the event handler method automatically.

If you don't use VS.NET, you will need to edit the event handler method as in the example code for the ClickOK Event.

Namespace: Karamasoft.WebControls.UltimateSpell
Assembly: UltimateSpell (in UltimateSpell.dll) Version: 3.7.4186.26738


public event UltimateSpell..::..ClickOKEventHandler ClickOK
Visual Basic
Public Event ClickOK As UltimateSpell..::..ClickOKEventHandler
Visual C++
 event UltimateSpell..::..ClickOKEventHandler^ ClickOK {
	void add (UltimateSpell..::..ClickOKEventHandler^ value);
	void remove (UltimateSpell..::..ClickOKEventHandler^ value);


This sample shows how to handle the ClickOK event when the PostBackOnOK property is set to True, and the user clicks the OK button on the spell check dialog box.
<b>private void UltimateSpell1_ClickOK(object sender, Karamasoft.WebControls.UltimateSpell.ClickOKEventArgs e) 
                if (e.Changed)
                    lblStatus.Text = "Text CHANGED during spell checking.";
                    lblStatus.Text = "Text NOT CHANGED during spell checking.";

            #region Web Form Designer generated code
            override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e)
                // CODEGEN: This call is required by the ASP.NET Web Form Designer.

            /// <summary>
            /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
            /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
            /// </summary>
            private void InitializeComponent()
                <b>this.UltimateSpell1.ClickOK += new Karamasoft.WebControls.UltimateSpell.UltimateSpell.ClickOKEventHandler(this.UltimateSpell1_ClickOK);</b>
                this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Load);


See Also