DelegateParameter0 Delegate

SWI-Prolog SbsSW.SwiPlCs

Swi-cs-pl - A CSharp class library to connect .NET languages with SWI-Prolog DelegateParameter0 Delegate
SwiPlCs interfaceSbsSW.SwiPlCs.CallbackDelegateParameter0

Provide a predefined Delegate to register a C# method to be called from SWI-Prolog

Declaration Syntax
C# Visual Basic Visual C++
public delegate bool DelegateParameter0()
Public Delegate Function DelegateParameter0 As Boolean
public delegate bool DelegateParameter0()
Return Value
true for succeeding otherwise false for fail

This example is for DelegateParameter2 and shows how o call a C# method with two parameter.

For other samples see the source file CallbackForeigenPredicate.cs in the TestSwiPl VS2008 test project.

public void t_in_out()
    Delegate replaceDelegate = new DelegateParameter2(atom_replace);
    for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
        PlTermV arg = new PlTermV(new PlTerm("test_f"), PlTerm.PlVar());
        PlQuery.PlCall("atom_replace", arg);
        Assert.AreEqual("test_xx_f", arg[1].ToString(), "atom_replace failed!");
public static bool atom_replace(PlTerm atom_in, PlTerm atom_out)
    return atom_out.Unify(atom_in.ToString().Replace("_", "_xx_"));
See Also

Assembly: SwiPlCs (Module: SwiPlCs) Version: 1.1.60301.0 (1.1.60301.0)