by Uwe Lesta, SBS-Softwaresysteme GmbH - Swi-cs-pl - A CSharp class library to connect .NET languages with SWI-Prolog
SWI-Prolog SbsSW.SwiPlCs
Table of contents
SbsSW.SwiPlCs Namespace
PlEngine Class
Initialize Method (argv)
IsInitialized Property
PlCleanup Method
PlHalt Method
PlThreadAttachEngine Method
PlThreadDestroyEngine Method
PlThreadSelf Method
RegisterForeign Method
RegisterForeign Method (method)
RegisterForeign Method (module, method)
RegisterForeign Method (name, arity, method)
RegisterForeign Method (module, name, arity, method)
SetStreamFunctionRead Method (streamType, function)
SetStreamFunctionWrite Method (streamType, function)
PlFrame Class
PlFrame Constructor
Dispose Method
Finalize Method
Rewind Method
PlQuery Class
PlQuery Constructor
PlQuery Constructor (goal)
PlQuery Constructor (name, termV)
PlQuery Constructor (module, goal)
PlQuery Constructor (module, name, termV)
Args Property
Dispose Method
Dispose Method
Dispose Method (disposing)
Finalize Method
NextSolution Method
PlCall Method
PlCall Method (goal)
PlCall Method (predicate, args)
PlCall Method (module, predicate, args)
PlCallQuery Method
PlCallQuery Method (goal)
PlCallQuery Method (module, goal)
Query Method (queryType)
Solutions Property
SolutionVariables Property
ToList Method
VariableNames Property
Variables Property
PlQuerySwitch Enumeration
PlQueryVar Class
Name Property
Value Property
PlQueryVariables Class
PlQueryVariables Constructor
Count Property
Item Property (name)
PlTerm Structure
PlTerm Constructor
PlTerm Constructor (value)
PlTerm Constructor (value)
PlTerm Constructor (text)
Add Method (term)
AddList Method (listToAppend)
Append Method (term)
Arity Property
Close Method
CompareTo Method (obj)
Equality Method
Equality Operator
Equality Operator
Equality Operator
Equality Operator
Equality Operator
Equals Method (obj)
Explicit Method
Explicit Operator
Explicit Operator
Explicit Operator
GetEnumerator Method
GetHashCode Method
GreaterThan Operator
GreaterThanOrEqual Operator
Inequality Method
Inequality Operator
Inequality Operator
Inequality Operator
Inequality Operator
Inequality Operator
IsAtom Property
IsAtomic Property
IsCompound Property
IsFloat Property
IsGround Property
IsInitialized Property
IsInteger Property
IsList Property
IsNumber Property
IsString Property
IsVar Property
Item Property (pos)
LessThan Operator
LessThanOrEqual Operator
Name Property
NextValue Method
PlCharList Method (text)
PlCodeList Method (text)
PlCompound Method
PlCompound Method (functor, arg1)
PlCompound Method (functor, arg1, arg2)
PlCompound Method (functor, arg1, arg2, arg3)
PlCompound Method (functor, args)
PlString Method
PlString Method (text)
PlString Method (text, len)
PlTail Method (list)
PlType Property
PlVar Method
ToList Method
ToListString Method
ToString Method
ToStringCanonical Method
Unify Method
Unify Method (term)
Unify Method (atom)
PlTermV Structure
PlTermV Constructor
PlTermV Constructor (term0)
PlTermV Constructor (term0, term1)
PlTermV Constructor (term0, term1, term2)
PlTermV Constructor (terms)
PlTermV Constructor (size)
Equality Operator
Equals Method
Equals Method (other)
Equals Method (obj)
GetHashCode Method
Inequality Operator
Item Property (index)
Size Property
PlType Enumeration
SbsSW.SwiPlCs.Callback Namespace
DelegateParameter0 Delegate
DelegateParameter1 Delegate
DelegateParameter2 Delegate
DelegateParameter3 Delegate
DelegateParameterBacktrack Delegate
DelegateParameterVarArgs Delegate
PlForeignSwitches Enumeration
SbsSW.SwiPlCs.Exceptions Namespace
PlException Class
PlException Constructor
PlException Constructor
PlException Constructor (term)
PlException Constructor (info, context)
PlException Constructor (message)
PlException Constructor (message, innerException)
GetObjectData Method (info, context)
Message Property
MessagePl Property
PlThrow Method
Term Property
Throw Method
ToString Method
PlLibException Class
PlLibException Constructor
PlLibException Constructor
PlLibException Constructor (info, context)
PlLibException Constructor (message)
PlLibException Constructor (message, innerException)
GetObjectData Method (info, context)
PlTypeException Class
PlTypeException Constructor
PlTypeException Constructor
PlTypeException Constructor (term)
PlTypeException Constructor (info, context)
PlTypeException Constructor (message)
PlTypeException Constructor (expected, actual)
PlTypeException Constructor (message, innerException)
SbsSW.SwiPlCs.Streams Namespace
DelegateStreamReadFunction Delegate
DelegateStreamWriteFunction Delegate
PlStreamType Enumeration