Configuring the Replicator Environment
The replicator process can be configured either via command line options or by setting environment variables. In all cases command line options override the equivalent environment variables.
Command Line Options
The following command line options can be used:
Command Line Option |
Description |
-datadir <data_location> |
The location of the replication instruction file (REPLICATOR.ISM) |
-database <connect_string> |
SQL connection connect string identifying the database to connect to. |
-erroremail <email_address> |
Email address that start, error and stop messages should be sent TO. |
-fileservicehost <host> |
The DNS name or TCP/IP address of the database server where an instance of FileService is running to support bulk uploads. |
-fileserviceport <port> |
The TCP/IP port number that FileService is listening on. If not specified the default port is 8080. |
-localexport <export_path> |
The location where bulk export files will be created locally. |
-instance <instance_name> |
The name of this replicator instance. |
-interval <sleep_seconds> |
The number of seconds the replicator should sleep if it finds no instructions to process. |
-keyvalues |
Record the key values being used to relate ISAM records to SQL rows. |
-loaderrors |
Log failing records during a bulk load operation to a file. |
-logdir <log_location> |
The location where the log file should be created. A full or relative path, or an environment variable followed by a colon. |
-mailfrom <email_address> |
The email address that replicator messages should be sent FROM. |
-mailserver <smtp_server> |
The DNS name or IP address of the SMTP mail server that will be used to send messages. |
-maxcolumns <max_columns> |
The maximum number of columns in a database table. Default is 254. |
-maxcursors <max_cursors> |
The maximum number of database cursors. Allow 4 per table. Default is 128. |
-stoponerror |
Cause the replicator to stop if an error is encountered. |
-syslog |
Log to the system log in addition to the log file. |
-verbose |
Enable verbose logging. |
Environment Variables
The following environment variables can be set:
Environment Variable |
Description |
The location of the replication instruction file (REPLICATOR.ISM) |
SQL connection database connection string identifying the SQL Server database to connect to. |
The email address that start, error and stop messages should be sent TO. |
The location where bulk export files will be created locally. |
The DNS name or TCP/IP address of the database server where an instance of FileService is running to support bulk uploads. On OpenVMS if you use a TCP/IP address you must enclose it in quotes. |
The TCP/IP port number that FileService is listening on. If not specified the default port is 8080. |
The name of this replicator instance. |
The number of seconds the replicator should sleep if it finds no instructions to process. |
Set to YES to cause the key values being used to relate ISAM records to SQL rows. |
Set to YES to cause failing records during a bulk load operation to be logged to a file. |
The location where the log file should be created. A full or relative path, or an environment variable followed by a colon. |
The email address that replicator messages should be sent FROM. |
The DNS name or IP address of the SMTP mail server that will be used to send messages. |
The maximum number of columns in a database table. Default is 254. |
The maximum number of database cursors. Allow 4 per table. Default is 128. |
Set to YES to cause the replicator to stop if an error is encountered. |
Set to YES to log to the system log in addition to the log file. |
Set to YES to cause more verbose logging to be used. |