
Spud Ai


The Settings dialog box controls various functions within the Ai. Some settings can be controlled by keywords.

Show Brain Database opens the BD dialog box.
Small display Shows small display, see small.html
Image window opens or closes the image window. The Image window is embedded in the User Window (UW). Cell 948 controls its size and position within the UW
Web browser Browser window used for displaying internet pages and web sites.
Stats Statistics graph is drawn on the image window. The Stats are information gathered from the processing of the inputs, different routines and algorithms set the states of the stats.
Analog inputs Shows the analogue inputs from the USB card, the inputs are only fed into the input or output if this is ticked.
WSB window if ticked shows the Wheatstone Bridge window.
User Window visible if ticked. The user window is controlled by cell 933 UW Tags are used to set up elements like edit boxes etc... The DX and Image windows are integrated in the UW
Focus on Net msg sets the focus on the Ai when a new network message is received.
Direct X window opens or closes the DX window. The DX window is embedded in the User Window (UW). Cell 947 controls its size and position within the UW.
Direct X is a way of controlling hardware like graphics cards and using there processing resources. The Ai uses the DX window for image scanning.

Information general program information.
this is the name of an image file in ..\Ai\image\ the name of the current image is displayed and the name is saved when the program is closed.
Ai name the name of the Ai.
Password the password required before a network order will be carried out.
Window X Y
the coordinates on the screen of the Ai program top left of the Ai window.

Audio player
Scroll bar shows the position in the track and also enables the track to be moved to a position.
Edit box is the track number playing or the track to go to if changed and go to is pressed.
goto go to the track number
< go back a track
S stop play back
P play the play list default being TempPlayList.txt in the data folder.
> move to next track.

Timer and Timer events things that happen with the timer
Timer Millisec the main system timer controls how long to wait before putting text into input.
Short term memory some times referred to as Learning file length if set at 10 then the last 10 inputs are remembered and if a repeat pattern found then the pattern is put into the TF. Also used by subject.
T (Timer) Loop this is the extra loop for things like clearing the screen the variable is increased by one each time the timer activates when the timer loop value is reached then the extra commands are activated
Max NN Generations
the maximum number of Neural Network generations before stopping the breading cycle

RQ Weights
The Ai translates the inputs with different algorithms and routines, the routine asses the quality of the reply produced and sets the Reply Quality (RQ).
The highest RQ that the routine can set is determined by its weight. The the output from the routine that produces the highest RQ is sent to the Ai output.
Pressing the RQ defaults restore the RQ's to the original settings that were used before the option to change was created. The keyword setrqweights can also be used to set the RQ's. The numbers in field 11 correspond to the info below the maximum number is 9 all 16 RQ's are set in order if the number is short then the remaining RQ's wont be set eg. if 11=123 then SSC LM and TF RQ's will be set.

default as a number is: 44444444441234444440043334

1 RQ SSC or QI default 9 (Special Sentence Code, functions things like the 'is' algorithm also)
2 RQ LM default 3 (Learning Mode)
3 RQ TF SC,3=3 or 3=2 default 7 (translate input using Translation File data base also Sentence Code)
4 RQ TF command, function, and some modes. The weights of certain functions is changed in the program by some code that use this weight w=weight. mode 5=w, mode 6=w+1, mode 7=w, function=w, system=w* 4, 1 st pass TF=w, image=w -3, read file in 10=w, read file in readout dir=w, if name=w -1
5 RQ TF QNV default 9 (Question Noun Verb TF routine)
6 RQ EI default 6 (check to see if anything is Expected in the Input)
7 RQ CR default 3 (any special Create Reply's needed)
8 RQ PR1 default 8 (Pattern Recognition part 1)
9 RQ PR2 default 3 (Pattern Recognition part 2)
10 RQ NN default 5 (Neural Network)
11 RQ RAS1 default 5 (Reference Action Subject part 1)
12 RQ RAS2 default 7 (Reference Action Subject part 2)
13 RQ RAS3 default 8 (Reference Action Subject part 3)
14 RQ SJ1 default 8 (Subject part 1)
15 RQ SJ2 default 6 (Subject part 2)
16 RQ STM default 4 (Short Term Memory sometimes refereed to as data store)

The button RQ Defaults uses the information in cell 822 to set the weights.
Save to Brain saves the RQ's to a new entry in the Brain.
Random RQ generates a random number for the values

USB to DMX K8062
Tick this to use the K8062 DMX controller used to control DMX devices like stage lights.
Sometimes it can be difficult to get DMX to work, if you keep getting error 600 when running DMX check routine then close the Ai run the program DMX_demo.exe in the main Ai folder. This is the demo software that comes with the K8062 DMX controller check the DMX is working then keep this program running in the background and then run the Ai. A fix for this problem is being worked out.
Sometimes the hardware freezes this can happen if the computer goes into hibernation or sleep. To remove the freeze unplug the usb cable then plug it back in.

USB interface K8055
The Velleman K8055 card has 5 digital inputs, 8 digital outputs, 2 analog inputs and 2 analog outputs.
Clear d1 to d4 next Loop this control is to be re-assigned as the function can be done in other ways.
Clear d1 to d4 T Loop this control is to be re-assigned as the function can be done in other ways.
Check after first T Loop checks the digital inputs after the next timer loop.
Check when d OFF checks the digital inputs when digital outs are off.

Activate 1602 on input the cell is activated when an input is received.
Activate 1178 on output the cell is activated when the SayPrint routine sends outputs to various places.
Output to FTP sends the output to the FTP server. Cell 927 controls the FTP
Output to clipboard sends the output to the clipboard so it can be pasted into other places
Send msg to window sends window messages to other programs running on the computer. Cell 918 is used to control how it works.
Receive window msg receives incoming messages from other windows. Used mostly by AiServer and AiCompass for passing information to the Ai
Example code to place in a html document if you want to activate a cell from a web page button
<input type="submit" name="aicell505pw " value="FORWARD">
505 is the cell number to activate aicell is the code used by the server to activate a cell the server program extracts the information received then formats it into a string to send to the ai. The code ac: is used to instruct the Ai to activate a cell, aicell can be used if you want the form to be processed directly by the Ai without going through the server, used if the web page sends information to the Ai via a text file or a UDP packet.
The compass program sends a message to the Ai which sets cell inputs. To stop the cell being activated the string sent to the Ai contains na: which stands for no activation the string must contain ac: in order to activate a cell from a window message na: stops activation and just sets the cells input code.

UDP is a protocol similar to TCP and works on ip networks. UDP is a cruder way of transmitting data over a network and doesn't have the same error checking as TCP it is a lot faster and is used for things like streaming media. The Ai uses UDP in order to maximize the functionality of the network communication. System cell 809 is used to control how UDP works.
Enable UDP turns on UDP functions
Firewall's can block access to the network if you get a pop up message saying do you want to let Ai access the network then this is the firewall asking if its ok for the program to access the net click yes to enable communication click no to stop the process. * Make Rx socket will appear for as long as messages cant be received a firewall blocking access will do this. Receiving is passive so you may need to type in something for the send routine to open the socket again more applicable with a firewall.
If TX: <Ai output> appears and the UDP status and code don't change then there is a problem sending the message, a firewall blocking the message will do this. Cell 809 file field is used to add extra codes.
RX the ip number of your computer the local machine in-coming communications are sent to this ip number
Port All Ai's must use the same port number. Use a port number that no other program on the computer is using. Avoid common ports e.g. web browsers use port 80 and many other programs use ports. I use a port number higher than 10000.
Auto RX sets the local network IP number automatically. To gloom all IP numbers set RX to and un-tick Auto RX
TX the ip number of the remote computer running the other Ai you are communicating with. If you type in a host name then the program will look up the IP number of the host name.
Pass the password of the Ai you are trying to communicate with, messages still get through but any extra commands are rejected
Auto TX this changes the TX IP number to the IP number of an incoming packet if an IP number is found.

Read text file IN reads a file from disk or network. The first line of the file must contain the password found in the Password box if the same then the second line in the file is put into the Ai input. If the input is the same as the previous one then it won't be carried out unless Allow repeat is ticked.
To output reads the file to the output.
To input reads the file to the input.
Allow repeat allows repeated sentences to be read.
Del aft read deletes the file after reading.
Edit box is the full path file name of the file to read.

Write text file OUT writes to a text file onto the disk or network.
Input to file writes the input to the file.
Output to file writes the output to the file.
Create HTML 831 DB creates a HTML file using the information in cell 831.
Edit box is the full path file name of the file to write to.

General various functions including learning modes.
Log activity This switches on logging a new log is created each day with the file name being the date stored in ..\Ai\logs\ the name of this log is put into the translation file under 'log' when the program starts. The input, output, date, time and reply quality are put in the log. Reply quality is a value between 0 and 15. This is what the Ai thinks is the quality / how good the reply is.
SC: = sentence code
RQ: = reply quality
Log stats logs the stats numbers.
Disable Defrag
disables the defrag process which runs at startup or when the Defrag button is pressed in the BD dialog.
Set Input focus sets the input focus to the Ai window.
Auto Ai sends the output to the input.
Send to tray sends the Ai program to the system tray.

Learning boxes if ticked switch on the associated learning processes.
LM learning
6P learning
WSB learning
RAS learning
SC learning
NN learning

Filters filters the input or output
Auto input OFF disables automatic input, stops text written into the input being put automatically into the input.
Input filter filters the inputs, removes full stops and other things.
Output filter filters the output, capitalizes the first letter and adds a full stop.The output is processed through the grammar filter, this attempts to reorganize the words into proper english. The input code of cell 1605 controls which outputs are filter

wsb 6p lm2 nnec dt did lm qnv  
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
lm is set at 0 because some of these outputs are pre programmed statements
Firewall stops system commands.
No output suppress the Ai output Prevents the Ai's output from getting to the speech and print buffer but all other Ai routines still function.

Help opens the help file.
Update updates the settings.
OK updates the settings and closes the settings dialog box.