Spring's WCF support allows you to configure your WCF services via dependency injection and add additional behavior to them using Aspect-Oriented programming (AOP).
For those who would like to get their feet wet right way, check out the WcfQuickStart application in the examples directory.
The technical approach used to perform dependency injection is based on dynamically creating an implementation of your service interface (a dynamic proxy) that retrieves a configured instance of your service type from the Spring container. This dynamic proxy is then the final service type that is hosted.
![]() | Note |
An alternative implementation approach that uses extensibility
points in WCF to delegate to Spring to create and configure your WCF
service was tried but proved to be limited in its range of
applicability. This approach was first taken (afaik) by Oran Dennison
on his blog
and several other folks on the web since then. The issue in using this
approach is that if the service is configured to be a singleton, for
example using
In this approach you develop your WCF services as you would normally do. For example here is a sample service type taken from the quickstart example.
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://Spring.WcfQuickStart")] public interface ICalculator { [OperationContract] double Add(double n1, double n2); [OperationContract] double Subtract(double n1, double n2); [OperationContract] double Multiply(double n1, double n2); [OperationContract] double Divide(double n1, double n2); [OperationContract] string GetName(); }
The implementation for the methods is fairly obvious but an
additional property, SleepInSeconds
, is present. This
is the property we will configure via dependency injection. Here is a
partial listing of the implementation
public class CalculatorService : ICalculator { private int sleepInSeconds; public int SleepInSeconds { get { return sleepInSeconds; } set { sleepInSeconds = value; } } public double Add(double n1, double n2) { Thread.Sleep(sleepInSeconds*1000); return n1 + n2; } // additional implementation not shown for brevity }
To configure this object with Spring, provide the XML configuration metadata as shown below as you would with any Spring managed object.
<object id="calculator" singleton="false" type="Spring.WcfQuickStart.CalculatorService, Spring.WcfQuickStart.ServerApp"> <property name="SleepInSeconds" value="1"/> </object>
![]() | Note |
The object must be declared as a 'prototype' object, i.e. not a singleton, in order to interact correctly with WCF instancing. |
To host this service type in a standalone application define an
instance of a
and set is property TargetName
to the id value of the
previously defined service type.
is a Spring
implementation. (See here for more
information on IFactoryObjects
and their interaction
with the container.) The ServiceHostFactoryObject
will create an instance of
will be the ServiceHost instance associated with your service type. This
configuration for this step is shown below.
<object id="calculatorServiceHost" type="Spring.ServiceModel.Activation.ServiceHostFactoryObject, Spring.Services"> <property name="TargetName" value="calculator" /> </object>
Additional service configuration can be done declaratively in the standard App.config file as shown below
<system.serviceModel> <services> <service name="calculator" behaviorConfiguration="DefaultBehavior"> <host> ... </host> <endpoint> ... </endpoint> </service> ... </services> </system.serviceModel>
![]() | Note |
It is important that the name of the service in the WCF declarative configuration section match the name of the Spring object definition |
is where the dynamic proxy for your service type is generated.
This dynamic proxy will implement a single 'WCF' interface, the same on
that your service type implements. The implementation of the service
interface methods on the proxy will delegate to a wrapped 'target'
object which is the object instance retrieved by name from the Spring
container using the Spring API,
. Since the object
retrieved in this manner is fully configured, your WCF service is as
Outside of a standalone application you can also use the class
(which inherits from
) to
host your services so that they can be configured via dependency
injection. To use the dynamic proxy approached described here you should
still refer to the name of the service as the name of the object
definition used to configure the service type in the Spring
There are not many disadvantages to this approach other than the
need to specify the service name as the name of the object definition in
the Spring container and to ensure that singleton=false is used in the
object definition. You can also use
host your service inside IIS but should still refer to the service by
the name of the object in the Spring container.
In either approach to performing dependency injection you can apply
additional AOP advice to your WCF services in the same way as you have
always done in Spring. The following configuration shows how to apply some
simple performance monitoring advice to all services in the
namespace and is taken from the
QuickStart example.
<object id="serviceOperation" type="Spring.Aop.Support.SdkRegularExpressionMethodPointcut, Spring.Aop"> <property name="pattern" value="Spring.WcfQuickStart.*"/> </object> <object id="perfAdvice" type="Spring.WcfQuickStart.SimplePerformanceInterceptor, Spring.WcfQuickStart.ServerApp"> <property name="Prefix" value="Service Layer Performance"/> </object> <aop:config> <aop:advisor pointcut-ref="serviceOperation" advice-ref="perfAdvice"/> </aop:config>
The aop:config section implicitly uses Spring's autoproxying features to add additional behavior to any objects defined in the container that match the pointcut criteria.
To create a client side proxy based on the use of ChannelFactory<T>, you can use this rather ugly 'boiler plate' XML snippit that takes uses Spring's support for calling factory methods on object instances.
<!-- returns ChannelFactory<ICalculator>("calculatorEndpoint").CreateChannel() --> <object id="serverAppCalculator" type="Spring.WcfQuickStart.ICalculator, Spring.WcfQuickStart.ClientApp" factory-object="serverAppCalculatorChannelFactory" factory-method="CreateChannel" /> <object id="serverAppCalculatorChannelFactory" type="System.ServiceModel.ChannelFactory<Spring.WcfQuickStart.ICalculator>, System.ServiceModel"> <constructor-arg name="endpointConfigurationName" value="serverAppCalculatorEndpoint" /> </object>
![]() | Note |
This will be shortened using a custom namespce in a future release |
The value 'serverAppCalculatorEndpoint' refers to the name of an enpoints in the <client> section of the standard WCF configuration inside of App.config.
Much like the approach taken for .asmx web services Spring provides
an exporter that will add [ServiceContract]
attributes by default to all public
interface methods on a given (PONO) class. The exporter class is
and has various
options to fine-tune what interfaces are exported and the specific
attributes that get applied to each method and on that class. Here is a
simple example
<object id="HelloWorldExporter" type="Spring.ServiceModel.ServiceExporter, Spring.Services"> <property name="TargetName" value="HelloWorld"/> <property name="MemberAttributes"> <dictionary> <entry key="SayHelloWorld"> <object type="System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute, System.ServiceModel"> <property name="IsOneWay" value="false"/> <!-- configure any other OperationContractAttribute properties here --> </object> </entry> </dictionary> </property> </object>
Spring does not provide any means to add
or [DataMember]
attributes to
method arguments of your service operations. As such, either you will do
that yourself or you may choose to use a serializer other than
DataContractSerializer, for example one that relies on method arguments
that implement the ISerializable
interface, having the
attribute, or are serializable via the
XmlSerializer. Use the latter serializers is a good way to migrate from an
existing RCP based approach, such as using .NET remoting, to WCF in order
to take advantage of the WCF runtime and avoid editing much existing code.
You can then incrementally refactor and/or create new operations that use