What do the warning signs that appear in SoundMAX Control Panel and on the taskbar icon mean?
The warning signs appear only when a device that effects playback or recording is not working properly. If there is a warning sign in SoundMAX Control Panel, then it will also appear on the taskbar to notify you of a problem with the audio.
icon without a warning sign.
icon with a warning sign.
icon with a device incompatibility warning sign.
Yellow Warnings
There are two types of yellow warning signs: low volume warning and a mute/select warning (see SoundMAX Control Panel Overview).
The low volume warning sign indicates that the volume is set too low for the device to work properly, and can be seen on the following recording controls: Microphone and Line-in; as well as on the Master, Wave, and Microphone controls of the playback controls.
The mute/select warning sign indicates that the device is either muted or not selected, as can be seen in all of the above listed devices except the playback’s Microphone.
Note: To remove a yellow warning sign simply click on the warning sign or the Default audio settings button.
Red Warning
The red warning indicates that an incompatible device is plugged into the jack on the computer.
This is caused by two different situations:
- The device is incompatible
with the jack.
- The device is incompatible with the speaker configuration.
In order to correct the situation, you either need to plug the device into a compatible jack, or adjust the speaker configuration in accordance with the plugged in devices.
Note: If you desire to simply remove the warning sign, just click on the warning sign.