Selecting Output Type and Output File Names


Selecting Output Type and Output File Names

Different output formats are available; unavailable output formats are grayed out. All reports written to files require an output file name base and at least one output format selection.

The file name base can be entered in one of two methods:

  • Type the path and file name base in the text field to the right of the Output File button. If no path is specified, the files are written to the current working directory.
  • Click the Output File button to open a file selection browser. Find and double-click the directory in which you want to save the output file. Type the file name base in the file selection browser. Click the Save button.

The appropriate file name extension is automatically appended to a file name base, depending on the files's output format:

Output Format

File Name Extension





Report Interchange Format

See a description of RIF in Output Formats.


SAMreport-Lite will not warn you if the output file that you are defining already exists and that you are about to overwrite it.