Usage Summary Report Output


Usage Summary Report Output

The output of a Usage Summary report can be saved to files in HTML, text, or RIF format. The header of a Usage Summary report provides a summary of information about the report log and the parameters of the report:

FLEXIm License Usage Report date time

Produced by SAMreport-Lite


Input Report Log:

List of input report log(s)

Output File Name:

Name of report output file

Report Log(s) Start:

Earliest start date in any report log

Report Log(s) End:

Latest end date in any report log

Report Start Date:

Date to begin report—either a filter start date or the starting date of the earliest report log

Report End Date:

Date to end the report—either a filter end date or the ending date of the latest report log


Duration in real clock time between the report start and end dates that a license server was up


Vendor daemon name(s)

Breakdown by:

Report breakdown categories, if any

Filter Start Date:

Date set to start report, if any

Filter End Date:

Date set to end report, if any

Event Filters:

List of event filters for the report, if any

Time Period Filters:

List of time period filters for the report, if any

Features With Usage:

List of features in the scope of this report (that is, not filtered out) that have license activity displayed in the report

Features Without Usage:

List of features in the scope of this report (that is, not filtered out) that do not have license activity displayed in this report

A Usage Summary report with default settings contains one line per feature and 11 columns per line. From left to right in the report, the columns are:


Column Heading




Maximum number of available licenses. Includes overdraft licenses.



Number of available hours of license usage.

License Requests


Total number of license requests.



Number of licenses requests fulfilled.



Number of license requests queued.



Number of license requests denied.



Number of license requests not fulfilled because the feature is unsupported.



Percent of license requests that were denials.



Maximum number of licenses used simultaneously. Includes overdraft licenses.



Number of available license hours used.



Percent of available license hours used.

Possible explanations for denials in reports where the maximum available number of licenses were never used include:

  • The number of available licenses changed during the report period.

    For example, you start your report log when you have 10 licenses of FeatureA, then a few months later, still writing to the same report log, you add 10 more FeatureA licenses. Your report might show the max available licenses = 20, max used licenses = 18, and denials. Remember that the denials may have occurred when you only had 10 licenses available.

  • Licenses are reserved for particular users.

    Even though all licenses for a feature are not checked out, they are not available to all users. If someone outside the reservation group tries to check out a reserved license, that user will be denied a license. License reservations are set in a vendor daemon's options file.

  • Users are excluded from the group of users who can check out a license.

    Even though all licenses for a feature are not checked out, a particular user may be excluded from using a license and gets a denial when trying to check out a license. Exclusions are set in a vendor daemon's options file.