Watchdog Error Codes

Real-Time Watchdog VIs

Watchdog Error Codes

The Watchdog VIs can return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting these errors.

Code Name Description
–22015 kNIWDNumberTooBig Unable to return a value because it would exceed the width of the return data type.
–22014 kNIWDWatchdogIsLocked This watchdog has had kNIWatchdogHardwareLock enabled. No further changes can be made to its configuration until a reboot.
–22013 kNIWDCannotConnectToKernel The kernel portion of the watchdog driver is not present, or failed to load correctly. Watchdog hardware cannot be used.
–22012 kNIWDUnsupportedProtocol This watchdog cannot drive the specified trigger line in the requested manner. Not all watchdog hardware can drive triggers in all possible ways.
–22011 kNIWDHardwareInUse The watchdog hardware you requested is already in use, or has been permanently locked.
–22010 kNIWDUnsupportedTriggerLine The trigger line specified cannot be driven by this watchdog. Not all watchdog hardware can assert on all, if any, trigger lines.
–22009 kNIWDOutOfMemory A memory allocation attempted by the watchdog driver failed. Check available memory and disk space.
–22008 kNIWDInvalidSession The session handle or object pointer for this watchdog is either invalid or illegal.
–22007 kNIWDTooManyActions The specified action cannot be added to the watchdog. Some actions can only be added once, and others have a maximum number that can be added.
–22006 kNIWDPALFailure The watchdog driver has experienced an unexpected, low-level error. This watchdog hardware cannot be used.
–22005 kNIWDHardwareNotPresent The watchdog hardware you requested is either not in the system, or has not been registered with the driver.
–22004 kNIWDUnsupportedParamAction The action you tried to register cannot be handled by this watchdog hardware. You might be using a newer version of the API with an older implementation, or you might be working with limited hardware.
–22003 kNIWDReadOnlyRegister The attribute you tried to set is read only. For example, you cannot set IDs and instance numbers.
–22002 kNIWDUnknownAttribute The attribute you tried to get or set is not recognized as a known attribute by this watchdog hardware. You might be using a newer version of the API with an older implementation.
–22001 kNIWDNotSupported This method or attribute is not supported by the watchdog hardware on this system. Not all parameters and methods apply to all types of watchdogs.
–22000 kNIWDStatusError An unexpected error occurred with the watchdog hardware on this system. No detailed information is available for the error.