RainbowBS Manual: Chapter7 Porting and Example


RainbowBS Manual  v0.1.0
Written by QWQ([email protected])
Chapter7 Porting and Example

Table of Contents

Currently,RBS has been ported on PC and ARM Cortex-M MCU.Also it can be ported on any other architecture by reference to that.

Recommend project file architecture as following:

File Architecture

Ported on PC

Refer to the example in "RainbowBS/RBSDemoProjects/X86_VS2008/RBSDemo_VS2008.sln". There are three configuration targets corresponding to the three RBS application models respectively.

Ported on Cortex-M

Refer to the example in "RainbowBS/RBSDemoProjects/STM32F4_MDK/RBSDemo_STM32F4.uvprojx". There are three configuration targets corresponding to the three RBS application models respectively. The standard output is defined to use SWO in the example.You can use Keil-MDK DebugViewer or JLinkSWOViewer(if JLink is used as adaptor) to view.

Output in DebugViewer
Output in JLinkSWOViewer
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