Compare Variables

Quick Script Editor

Compare Variables

To access

The Compare Variables dialog box lets you compare the value of one variable with that of another. Variables must already be declared. If the values are equal, the true part of the condition is executed, otherwise, the false part is executed.

You can specify in the dialog box what action is performed:

Variable A—Select a previously declared variable from the drop-down list. The first variable in the Quick Script is selected by default.

Function—Select a function (for example, “equals”) from the drop-down list or type a value. For an empty string, select NULL from the drop-down list.

Variable B—Select a previously declared variable from the drop-down list. The second variable in the Quick Script is selected by default.

If True—Directs execution to the statement or command (from the drop-down list) where the If and Equals fields are the same.

Otherwise—Directs execution to the statement or command (from the drop-down list) where the If and Equals fields are not the same.

Properties—Specifies settings for the selected statement. There are no properties for commands such as Do Nothing, Connect, Disconnect, and Exit Macro. This button is enabled for Go To Label or Compare Variable statements if (respectively) a label is not yet defined or a variable is not yet declared.

Related Topics

Declare Variable

Send Variable To Screen

Prompt For Value

Connect to Host