4.1 Standard Exceptions

Python 2.2

4.1 Standard Exceptions

All standard Python exceptions are available as global variables whose names are "PyExc_" followed by the Python exception name. These have the type PyObject*; they are all class objects. For completeness, here are all the variables:

C Name Python Name Notes
PyExc_Exception Exception (1)
PyExc_StandardError StandardError (1)
PyExc_ArithmeticError ArithmeticError (1)
PyExc_LookupError LookupError (1)
PyExc_AssertionError AssertionError
PyExc_AttributeError AttributeError
PyExc_EOFError EOFError
PyExc_EnvironmentError EnvironmentError (1)
PyExc_FloatingPointError FloatingPointError
PyExc_IOError IOError
PyExc_ImportError ImportError
PyExc_IndexError IndexError
PyExc_KeyError KeyError
PyExc_KeyboardInterrupt KeyboardInterrupt
PyExc_MemoryError MemoryError
PyExc_NameError NameError
PyExc_NotImplementedError NotImplementedError
PyExc_OSError OSError
PyExc_OverflowError OverflowError
PyExc_ReferenceError ReferenceError (2)
PyExc_RuntimeError RuntimeError
PyExc_SyntaxError SyntaxError
PyExc_SystemError SystemError
PyExc_SystemExit SystemExit
PyExc_TypeError TypeError
PyExc_ValueError ValueError
PyExc_WindowsError WindowsError (3)
PyExc_ZeroDivisionError ZeroDivisionError


This is a base class for other standard exceptions.

This is the same as weakref.ReferenceError.

Only defined on Windows; protect code that uses this by testing that the preprocessor macro MS_WINDOWS is defined.

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