Pattern Definition List

Pattern Add-In

Pattern Definition List

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Pattern Add-In contains definitions of 23 GoF design patterns and 3 EJB patterns.


GoF Design Pattern List:

1.Abstract Factory : Provides an interface for organizing a group of many related or independent objects without defining sub-classes.


2.Adapter : Operates different classes of interface together.


3.Bridge : Separates the implementation and abstraction concepts. By means of it, implementation can undergo various changes as an abstraction concept, and the interface also can be diverse, independent from implementation.


4.Builder : Separates classes defining methods for creating complex objects and expressing them. Provides the same construction process even for different expressions.


5.Chain of Responsibility : Removes the coupling between message-sending objects and message-processing objects.


6.Command : Treats a request as an object. Also treats other requests as objects, relaying them as parameters to clients.


7.Composite : Allows the client to treat individual objects and composite objects alike.


8.Decorator : Provides a more flexible way of adding functions than creating a sub-class. Allows dynamic addition of new services in an object.


9.Facade : Defines a comprehensive concept interface for easy use of a subsystem.


10.Factory Method : Used to define an interface for creating an object while deferring to the sub-class the responsibility of determining which class will have the new instance.


11.Flyweight : Introduces the concept of sharing for effective use of large-scale delicate objects.


12.Interpreter : Used for expressing a frequently recurring problem in a simple sentence.


13.Iterator : Provides a way of accessing composite object elements in sequence without having to open their internal expression formats.


14.Mediator : Allows an independent object to manage object references rather than related objects defining their references to each other.


15.Memento : Allows restoration of an object to its saved state by identifying and expressing the internal state of the object while not violating encapsulation.


16.Observer : Notifies a change of state for one object to all other objects in a one-to-many relationship and facilitates automatic modifications if necessary.


17.Prototype : States the type of object to create by using a sample instance, and uses the sample to create the object.


18.Proxy : Creates bridging objects to access other objects.


19.Singleton : Provides a single unified access to a class if it can have only one instance.


20.State : Allows an object to modify behaviors according to its internal state. The object appears to change the class.


21.Strategy : Can modify various client-independent algorithms. Clients do not need to be modified in any way even when the algorithms are modified.


22.Template Method : The sub-class of a class can redefine algorithm process stages without changing the algorithm structure.


23.Visitor : Allows definition of a new operation, without changing the class for the element to be processed.

EJB Pattern List :

1.Entity EJB : Provides expression of business domain data as an object.


2.MessageDriven EJB : Provides a means to receive and process asynchronous JMS messages from other applications or clients.


3.Session EJB : Provides implementation of the presentation layer for a business function.





·The user may define new patterns and apply them to the tool. For methods of defining new patterns, see the StarUML(tm) technical documentation.


·For detailed descriptions on patterns, see the pattern manuals.