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MATFORSK (Norwegian Food Research Institute) is collaborating with the Technical
University of Denmark (DTU) and the Falculty of Life Science1 (KU-LIFE) at University of
Copenhagen within the area of statistical methodology and strategies for quality assurance of
sensory data. One integral part of this collaboration is the development of the software
PanelCHECK. PanelCHECK is a tool that uses various of plots to evaluate results from
descriptive analyses. These plots help the user to identify easily the performance of individual
assessors and allow for precise and rapid feedback for future training sessions.
Frequently MATFORSK, DTU and KU-LIFE offers courses where participants are taught how
to use PanelCHECK, how to interpret analysis results from the various plots and how to utilise
the gained information in the best possible way. For more information about the courses
please contact us at: Also you may find information on upcomming
events at
PanelCHECK is open source software, meaning that it can be downloaded, used and
distributed for free. Download the latest version at
PanelCHECK is published and distributed under the open source GPL (General Public
Contact person:
Oliver Tomic, Dr. scient,
Tel.: +47 6497 0252
Fax.: + 47 6497 0333
1Formerly known as Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University of Denmark (KVL).