EastDataSource Property


Gets/sets the DirectionalPovDataSource that this DirectionalPovMapping will use to determine that it should report to Windows that it is being pressed in the East direction.

Namespace:  PPJoy
Assembly:  PPJoyWrapper (in PPJoyWrapper.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Property EastDataSource As DirectionalPovDataSources
public DirectionalPovDataSources EastDataSource { get; set; }
Visual C++
property DirectionalPovDataSources EastDataSource {
	DirectionalPovDataSources get ();
	void set (DirectionalPovDataSources value);


When this property is set to a Digital DirectionalPovDataSource, then this DirectionalPovMapping will report a value of pressed in the East direction to Windows whenever the Digital DirectionalPovDataSources's value is trueTruetruetrue (True in Visual Basic). Similarily, a value of centered will be reported to Windows, whenever the Digital DirectionalPovDataSource's value is falseFalsefalsefalse (False in Visual Basic) (and no other direction is reporting pressed).

When this property is set to an Analog-Max DirectionalPovDataSource, then this DirectionalPovMapping will report a value of pressed in the East direction to Windows whenever the Analog DirectionalPovDataSource's value is at its maximum value. Similarily, this DirectionalPovMapping will report a value of centered to Windows whenever the Analog DirectionalPovDataSource's value is at any other value other than its maximum (and no other direction is reporting pressed).

When this property is set to an Analog-Min DirectionalPovDataSource, then this DirectionalPovMapping will report a value of pressed in the East direction to Windows whenever the Analog DirectionalPovDataSource's value is at its minimum. Similarily, this DirectionalPovMapping will report a value of centered to Windows whenever the Analog DirectionalPovDataSource's value is at any other value other than its minimum (and no other direction is reporting pressed).

See Also