DataSource Property


Gets/sets the PPJoy ButtonDataSource that this ButtonMapping will use as the source of the values that it will report to Windows.

Namespace:  PPJoy
Assembly:  PPJoyWrapper (in PPJoyWrapper.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Property DataSource As ButtonDataSources
public ButtonDataSources DataSource { get; set; }
Visual C++
property ButtonDataSources DataSource {
	ButtonDataSources get ();
	void set (ButtonDataSources value);


When this property is set to a Digital ButtonDataSource, then this ButtonMapping will report a value of pressed to Windows whenever the Digital ButtonDataSource's value is trueTruetruetrue (True in Visual Basic). Similarily, a value of unpressed will be reported, whenever the Digital ButtonDataSource's value is falseFalsefalsefalse (False in Visual Basic).

When this property is set to an Analog-Max ButtonDataSource, then this ButtonMapping will report a value of pressed to Windows whenever the Analog ButtonDataSource's value is at its maximum value. Similarily, this ButtonMapping will report a value of unpressed to Windows whenever the Analog ButtonDataSource's value is at any other value other than its maximum.

When this property is set to an Analog-Min ButtonDataSource, then this ButtonMapping will report a value of pressed to Windows whenever the Analog ButtonDataSource's value is at its minimum. Similarily, this ButtonMapping will report a value of unpressed to Windows whenever the Analog ButtonDataSource's value is at any other value other than its minimum.

See Also