

NetSpell Documentation - v.2.1.7

NetSpell.SpellChecker Namespace


Class Description
AssemblyInfo AssemblyInfo class
ReplaceWordEventArgs Summary description for ReplaceWordEventArgs.
Spelling The Spelling class encapsulates the functions necessary to check the spelling of inputted text.
SpellingEventArgs Class sent to the event handler when the DoubleWord or MisspelledWord event occurs


Delegate Description
Spelling.DeletedWordEventHandler This represents the delegate method prototype that event receivers must implement
Spelling.DoubledWordEventHandler This represents the delegate method prototype that event receivers must implement
Spelling.EndOfTextEventHandler This represents the delegate method prototype that event receivers must implement
Spelling.IgnoredWordEventHandler This represents the delegate method prototype that event receivers must implement
Spelling.MisspelledWordEventHandler This represents the delegate method prototype that event receivers must implement
Spelling.ReplacedWordEventHandler This represents the delegate method prototype that event receivers must implement


Enumeration Description
Spelling.SuggestionEnum The suggestion strategy to use when generating suggestions