Spelling Events


NetSpell Documentation - v.2.1.7

Spelling Events

The events of the Spelling class are listed below. For a complete list of Spelling class members, see the Spelling Members topic.

Public Instance Events

DeletedWord This event is fired when a word is deleted
Disposed (inherited from Component)Adds an event handler to listen to the Disposed event on the component.
DoubledWord This event is fired when word is detected two times in a row
EndOfText This event is fired when the spell checker reaches the end of the text in the Text property
IgnoredWord This event is fired when a word is skipped
MisspelledWord This event is fired when the spell checker finds a word that is not in the dictionaries
ReplacedWord This event is fired when a word is replace

See Also

Spelling Class | NetSpell.SpellChecker Namespace