PenCommV2Callbacks Methods

Neo smartpen SDK

PenCommV2Callbacks Methods

The PenCommV2Callbacks type exposes the following members.

Public methodonAvailableNoteAccepted
Occurs when the note information to be used is accepted
Public methodonConnected
Fired when a connection is made, override to handle in your own code.
Public methodonDisconnected
Fired when a connection is destroyed, override to handle in your own code.
Public methodonErrorDetected
Occur when error received
Public methodonFinishedOfflineDownload
Fired when finished downloading, override to handle in your own code.
Public methodonPenAuthenticated
Fired when your connection is authenticated. When it fired, you can use all function of pen.
Public methodonPenAutoPowerOnSetUpResponse
Fired when pen response to your request that sets the status of the auto power on property by PenCommV2.ReqSetupPenBeep method.
Public methodonPenAutoShutdownTimeSetUpResponse
Fired when pen response to your request that sets the value of the auto shutdown time by PenCommV2.ReqSetupPenAutoShutdownTime method.
Public methodonPenBeepAndLightResponse
Fired when the request for operation of the beep and light is complete, override to handle in your own code.
Public methodonPenBeepSetUpResponse
Fired when pen response to your request that Sets the status of the beep property by PenCommV2.ReqSetupPenBeep method.
Public methodonPenBtLocalNameSetUpResponse
Fired when pen response to your request that Sets the local name of device by PenCommV2.ReqSetupBtLocalName method.
Public methodonPenCapPowerOnOffSetupResponse
Fired when pen response to your request that sets enabling control by cap.
Public methodonPenColorSetUpResponse
Fired when pen response to your request that Sets the color of pen ink by PenCommV2.ReqSetupPenColor method.
Public methodonPenDataTransmissionTypeSetUpResponse
Fired when pen response to your request that Sets the type of data transmission by PenCommV2.ReqSetupDataTransmissionType method.
Public methodonPenDownSamplingSetUpResponse
Fired when pen response to your request that Sets the state of down sampling by PenCommV2.ReqSetupDownSampling method.
Public methodonPenFscSensitivitySetUpResponse
Fired when pen response to your request that Sets the level of sensitivity(force sensor c-type) by PenCommV2.ReqSetupPenFscSensitivity method.
Public methodonPenHoverSetUpResponse
Fired when pen response to your request that sets the status of the hover mode on property by PenCommV2.ReqSetupHoverMode method.
Public methodonPenOfflineDataSetUpResponse
Fired when pen response to your request that enable offline data.
Public methodonPenPasswordRequest
Fired when pen request a password to client side. When you received this signal, you have to enter password by PenCommV2.InputPassword method.
Public methodonPenPasswordSetUpResponse
Fired when pen response to your request that change password by PenCommV2.InputPassword method.
Public methodonPenProfileReceived
Occurs when a response to a profile request is received.
Public methodonPenSensitivitySetUpResponse
Fired when pen response to your request that sets the value of the sensitivity property by PenCommV2.ReqSetupPenSensitivity method.
Public methodonPenTimestampSetUpResponse
Fired when pen response to your request that sets timestamp.
Public methodonPenUsbModeSetUpResponse
Fired when pen response to your request that Sets the status of usb mode by PenCommV2.ReqSetupUsbMode method.
Public methodonReceiveBatteryAlarm
Fired when changed status of battery, override to handle in your own code.
Public methodonReceiveDot
Fired when receive a dot successfully, override to handle in your own code.
Public methodonReceiveFirmwareUpdateResult
Fired when finished updating firmware, override to handle in your own code.
Public methodonReceiveFirmwareUpdateStatus
This method is invoked by the PenCommV2 when it needs to notify the client side about the status of an firmware update operation being performed.
Public methodonReceiveOfflineDataList
Fired when receive offline data list in Neo smartpen. When you received this signal, you can request offline data to PenCommV2 by ReqOfflineData method.
Public methodonReceiveOfflineDataPageList
Fired when receive offline data list in Neo smartpen. When you received this signal, you can request offline data to PenCommV2 by ReqOfflineData method.
Public methodonReceiveOfflineStrokes
This method is invoked by the PenCommV2 when it needs to notify the client side about the status of an download operation being performed.
Public methodonReceivePenStatus
Fired when received status of pen, override to handle in your own code.
Public methodonRemovedOfflineData
Fired when removed offline data, override to handle in your own code.
Public methodonStartOfflineDownload
Fired when started downloading, override to handle in your own code.
Public methodonSymbolDetected
Occur when you write on a symbol
See Also