Dot Properties

Neo smartpen SDK

Dot Properties

The Dot type exposes the following members.

Public propertyColor
Gets or sets the color of the dot
Public propertyDotType
Gets or sets the type of the dot
Public propertyForce
Gets or sets the pressure of the dot
Public propertyFx
Gets or sets the fractional part of NCode x coordinates. ( maximum value is 100 )
Public propertyFy
Gets or sets the fractional part of NCode y coordinates. ( maximum value is 100 )
Public propertyNote
The Note Id of the NCode paper
Public propertyOwner
The Owner Id of the NCode paper
Public propertyPage
The Page Number of the NCode paper
Public propertySection
The Section Id of the NCode paper
Public propertyTiltX
Public propertyTiltY
Public propertyTimestamp
Gets or sets the timestamp of the dot
Public propertyTwist
Public propertyX
Gets or sets the x coordinates of NCode cell. ( NCode's cell size is 2.371mm )
Public propertyY
Gets or sets the y coordinates of NCode cell. ( NCode's cell size is 2.371mm )
See Also