NVIDIA(R) PhysX(R) SDK 3.4 API Reference: PxCombineMode Struct Reference


PxCombineMode Struct Reference

enumeration that determines the way in which two material properties will be combined to yield a friction or restitution coefficient for a collision. More...

#include <PxMaterial.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Enum {
  eAVERAGE = 0,
  eMIN = 1,
  eMULTIPLY = 2,
  eMAX = 3,
  eN_VALUES = 4,
  ePAD_32 = 0x7fffffff

Detailed Description

enumeration that determines the way in which two material properties will be combined to yield a friction or restitution coefficient for a collision.

When two actors come in contact with each other, they each have materials with various coefficients, but we only need a single set of coefficients for the pair.

Physics doesn't have any inherent combinations because the coefficients are determined empirically on a case by case basis. However, simulating this with a pairwise lookup table is often impractical.

For this reason the following combine behaviors are available:


The effective combine mode for the pair is maximum(material0.combineMode, material1.combineMode).

See also:
PxMaterial.setFrictionCombineMode() PxMaterial.getFrictionCombineMode() PxMaterial.setRestitutionCombineMode() PxMaterial.getFrictionCombineMode()

Member Enumeration Documentation

eAVERAGE  Average: (a + b)/2.
eMIN  Minimum: minimum(a,b).
eMULTIPLY  Multiply: a*b.
eMAX  Maximum: maximum(a,b).
eN_VALUES  This is not a valid combine mode, it is a sentinel to denote the number of possible values. We assert that the variable's value is smaller than this.
ePAD_32  This is not a valid combine mode, it is to assure that the size of the enum type is big enough.

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