NVIDIA(R) PhysX(R) SDK 3.4 API Reference: Vehicle




class  PxVehicleChassisData
class  PxVehicleEngineData
class  PxVehicleGearsData
class  PxVehicleAutoBoxData
class  PxVehicleDifferential4WData
class  PxVehicleDifferentialNWData
class  PxVehicleAckermannGeometryData
struct  PxVehicleClutchAccuracyMode
 Choose between a potentially more expensive but more accurate solution to the clutch model or a potentially cheaper but less accurate solution. More...
class  PxVehicleClutchData
class  PxVehicleTireLoadFilterData
 Tire load variation can be strongly dependent on the time-step so it is a good idea to filter it to give less jerky handling behavior. More...
class  PxVehicleWheelData
class  PxVehicleSuspensionData
class  PxVehicleAntiRollBarData
class  PxVehicleTireData
class  PxVehicleDriveSimData
 Data structure describing non-wheel configuration data of a vehicle that has engine, gears, clutch, and auto-box. More...
class  PxVehicleDriveDynData
 Data structure with instanced dynamics data for vehicle with engine, clutch, gears, autobox. More...
class  PxVehicleDrive
 A complete vehicle with instance dynamics data and configuration data for wheels and engine,clutch,gears,autobox. More...
class  PxVehicleDriveSimData4W
 Data structure describing the drive model components of a vehicle with up to 4 driven wheels and up to 16 un-driven wheels. The drive model incorporates engine, clutch, gears, autobox, differential, and Ackermann steer correction. More...
struct  PxVehicleDrive4WWheelOrder
 The ordering of the driven and steered wheels of a PxVehicleDrive4W. More...
struct  PxVehicleDrive4WControl
 The control inputs for a PxVehicleDrive4W. More...
class  PxVehicleDrive4W
 Data structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a vehicle with up to 4 driven wheels and up to 16 non-driven wheels. More...
class  PxVehicleDriveSimDataNW
 Data structure describing configuration data of a vehicle with up to PX_MAX_NB_WHEELS driven equally through the differential. The vehicle has an engine, clutch, gears, autobox, differential. More...
struct  PxVehicleDriveNWControl
 The control inputs for a PxVehicleDriveNW. More...
class  PxVehicleDriveNW
 Data structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a vehicle with up to PX_MAX_NB_WHEELS driven wheels. More...
struct  PxVehicleDriveTankWheelOrder
 The ordering of the wheels of a PxVehicleDriveTank. More...
struct  PxVehicleDriveTankControl
 The control inputs for a PxVehicleDriveTank. More...
struct  PxVehicleDriveTankControlModel
 Two driving models are supported. More...
class  PxVehicleDriveTank
 Data structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a tank. More...
class  PxVehicleNoDrive
 Data structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a vehicle with no drive model. More...
struct  PxVehicleTypes
struct  PxVehicleConcreteType
 An enumeration of concrete vehicle classes inheriting from PxBase. More...
struct  PxVehicleUpdateMode
struct  PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceType
 Driving surface type. Each PxMaterial is associated with a corresponding PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceType. More...
class  PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceToTireFrictionPairs
 Friction for each combination of driving surface type and tire type. More...
struct  PxWheelQueryResult
 Structure containing data describing the non-persistent state of each suspension/wheel/tire unit. This structure is filled out in PxVehicleUpdates and PxVehicleUpdateSingleVehicleAndStoreTelemetryData. More...
struct  PxVehicleWheelQueryResult
struct  PxVehicleWheelConcurrentUpdateData
 Structure containing data that is computed for a wheel during concurrent calls to PxVehicleUpdates but which cannot be safely concurrently applied. More...
struct  PxVehicleConcurrentUpdateData
 Structure containing data that is computed for a vehicle and its wheels during concurrent calls to PxVehicleUpdates but which cannot be safely concurrently applied. More...
struct  PxVehicleKeySmoothingData
 Used to produce smooth vehicle driving control values from key inputs. More...
struct  PxVehiclePadSmoothingData
 Used to produce smooth analog vehicle control values from analog inputs. More...
class  PxVehicleDrive4WRawInputData
 Used to produce smooth vehicle driving control values from analog and digital inputs. More...
class  PxVehicleDriveNWRawInputData
 Used to produce smooth vehicle driving control values from analog and digital inputs. More...
class  PxVehicleDriveTankRawInputData
 Used to produce smooth analog tank control values from analog and digital inputs. More...
class  PxVehicleCopyDynamicsMap
 Used by PxVehicleCopyDynamicsData. More...
class  PxVehicleWheelsSimData
 Data structure describing configuration data of a vehicle with up to 20 wheels. More...
class  PxVehicleWheelsDynData
 Data structure with instanced dynamics data for wheels. More...
class  PxVehicleWheels
 Data structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a vehicle with just wheels. More...


#define PX_MAX_NB_WHEELS   (20)
 This number is the maximum number of wheels allowed for a vehicle.
#define PX_DEBUG_VEHICLE_ON   (1)
 Compiler setting to enable recording of telemetry data.


typedef void(* PxVehicleComputeTireForce )(const void *shaderData, const PxF32 tireFriction, const PxF32 longSlip, const PxF32 latSlip, const PxF32 camber, const PxF32 wheelOmega, const PxF32 wheelRadius, const PxF32 recipWheelRadius, const PxF32 restTireLoad, const PxF32 normalisedTireLoad, const PxF32 tireLoad, const PxF32 gravity, const PxF32 recipGravity, PxF32 &wheelTorque, PxF32 &tireLongForceMag, PxF32 &tireLatForceMag, PxF32 &tireAlignMoment)
 Prototype of shader function that is used to compute wheel torque and tire forces.


 PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT (0==(sizeof(PxVehicleChassisData)&0x0f))
PX_C_EXPORT bool PX_CALL_CONV PxInitVehicleSDK (PxPhysics &physics, PxSerializationRegistry *serializationRegistry=NULL)
 Initialize the PhysXVehicle library.
PX_C_EXPORT void PX_CALL_CONV PxCloseVehicleSDK (PxSerializationRegistry *serializationRegistry=NULL)
 Shut down the PhysXVehicle library.
void PxVehicleSetBasisVectors (const PxVec3 &up, const PxVec3 &forward)
 Set the basis vectors of the vehicle simulation.
void PxVehicleSetUpdateMode (PxVehicleUpdateMode::Enum vehicleUpdateMode)
 Set the effect of PxVehicleUpdates to be either to modify each vehicle's rigid body actor.
void PxVehicleSetSweepHitRejectionAngles (const PxF32 pointRejectAngle, const PxF32 normalRejectAngle)
 Set threshold angles that are used to determine if a wheel hit is to be resolved by vehicle suspension or by rigid body collision.
void PxVehicleSetMaxHitActorAcceleration (const PxF32 maxHitActorAcceleration)
 Determine the maximum acceleration experienced by PxRigidDynamic instances that are found to be in contact with a wheel.
void PxVehicleSuspensionRaycasts (PxBatchQuery *batchQuery, const PxU32 nbVehicles, PxVehicleWheels **vehicles, const PxU32 nbSceneQueryResults, PxRaycastQueryResult *sceneQueryResults, const bool *vehiclesToRaycast=NULL)
 Perform raycasts for all suspension lines for all vehicles.
void PxVehicleSuspensionSweeps (PxBatchQuery *batchQuery, const PxU32 nbVehicles, PxVehicleWheels **vehicles, const PxU32 nbSceneQueryResults, PxSweepQueryResult *sceneQueryResults, const PxU16 nbHitsPerQuery, const bool *vehiclesToSweep=NULL, const PxF32 sweepWidthScale=1.0f, const PxF32 sweepRadiusScale=1.0f)
 Perform sweeps for all suspension lines for all vehicles.
PxU32 PxVehicleModifyWheelContacts (const PxVehicleWheels &vehicle, const PxU32 wheelId, const PxF32 wheelTangentVelocityMultiplier, const PxReal maxImpulse, PxContactModifyPair &contactModifyPair)
 A function called from PxContactModifyCallback::onContactModify. The function determines if rigid body contact points recorded for the wheel's PxShape are likely to be duplicated and resolved by the wheel's suspension raycast. Contact points that will be resolved by the suspension are ignored. Contact points that are accepted (rather than ignored) are modified to account for the effect of the suspension geometry and the angular speed of the wheel.
void PxVehicleUpdates (const PxReal timestep, const PxVec3 &gravity, const PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceToTireFrictionPairs &vehicleDrivableSurfaceToTireFrictionPairs, const PxU32 nbVehicles, PxVehicleWheels **vehicles, PxVehicleWheelQueryResult *vehicleWheelQueryResults, PxVehicleConcurrentUpdateData *vehicleConcurrentUpdates=NULL)
 Update an array of vehicles by either applying an acceleration to the rigid body actor associated with each vehicle or by an immediate update of the velocity of the actor.
void PxVehiclePostUpdates (const PxVehicleConcurrentUpdateData *vehicleConcurrentUpdates, const PxU32 nbVehicles, PxVehicleWheels **vehicles)
 Apply actor changes that were computed in concurrent calls to PxVehicleUpdates but which could not be safely applied due to the concurrency.
void PxVehicleShiftOrigin (const PxVec3 &shift, const PxU32 nbVehicles, PxVehicleWheels **vehicles)
 Shift the origin of vehicles by the specified vector.
bool PxVehicleIsInAir (const PxVehicleWheelQueryResult &vehWheelQueryResults)
 Test if all wheels of a vehicle are in the air by querying the wheel query data stored in the last call to PxVehicleUpdates. If all wheels are in the air then true is returned.
void PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs (const PxVehicleKeySmoothingData &keySmoothing, const PxFixedSizeLookupTable< 8 > &steerVsForwardSpeedTable, const PxVehicleDrive4WRawInputData &rawInputData, const PxReal timestep, const bool isVehicleInAir, PxVehicleDrive4W &focusVehicle)
 Used to smooth and set analog vehicle control values (accel,brake,handbrake,steer) from digital inputs (keyboard). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.
void PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothAnalogRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs (const PxVehiclePadSmoothingData &padSmoothing, const PxFixedSizeLookupTable< 8 > &steerVsForwardSpeedTable, const PxVehicleDrive4WRawInputData &rawInputData, const PxReal timestep, const bool isVehicleInAir, PxVehicleDrive4W &focusVehicle)
 Used to smooth and set analog vehicle control values from analog inputs (gamepad). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.
void PxVehicleDriveNWSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs (const PxVehicleKeySmoothingData &keySmoothing, const PxFixedSizeLookupTable< 8 > &steerVsForwardSpeedTable, const PxVehicleDriveNWRawInputData &rawInputData, const PxReal timestep, const bool isVehicleInAir, PxVehicleDriveNW &focusVehicle)
 Used to smooth and set analog vehicle control values (accel,brake,handbrake,steer) from digital inputs (keyboard). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.
void PxVehicleDriveNWSmoothAnalogRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs (const PxVehiclePadSmoothingData &padSmoothing, const PxFixedSizeLookupTable< 8 > &steerVsForwardSpeedTable, const PxVehicleDriveNWRawInputData &rawInputData, const PxReal timestep, const bool isVehicleInAir, PxVehicleDriveNW &focusVehicle)
 Used to smooth and set analog vehicle control values from analog inputs (gamepad). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.
void PxVehicleDriveTankSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs (const PxVehicleKeySmoothingData &keySmoothing, const PxVehicleDriveTankRawInputData &rawInputData, const PxReal timestep, PxVehicleDriveTank &focusVehicle)
 Used to smooth and set analog tank control values from digital inputs (keyboard). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.
void PxVehicleDriveTankSmoothAnalogRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs (const PxVehiclePadSmoothingData &padSmoothing, const PxVehicleDriveTankRawInputData &rawInputData, const PxReal timestep, PxVehicleDriveTank &focusVehicle)
 Used to smooth and set analog tank control values from analog inputs (gamepad). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.
void PxVehicle4WEnable3WTadpoleMode (PxVehicleWheelsSimData &wheelsSimData, PxVehicleWheelsDynData &wheelsDynData, PxVehicleDriveSimData4W &driveSimData)
 Reconfigure a PxVehicle4W instance as a three-wheeled car with tadpole config (2 front wheels, 1 rear wheel).
void PxVehicle4WEnable3WDeltaMode (PxVehicleWheelsSimData &wheelsSimData, PxVehicleWheelsDynData &wheelsDynData, PxVehicleDriveSimData4W &driveSimData)
 Reconfigure a PxVehicle4W instance as a three-wheeled car with delta config (1 front wheel, 2 rear wheels).
void PxVehicleComputeSprungMasses (const PxU32 nbSprungMasses, const PxVec3 *sprungMassCoordinates, const PxVec3 &centreOfMass, const PxReal totalMass, const PxU32 gravityDirection, PxReal *sprungMasses)
 Compute the sprung masses of the suspension springs given (i) the number of sprung masses, (ii) coordinates of the sprung masses, (iii) the center of mass offset of the rigid body, (iv) the total mass of the rigid body, and (v) the direction of gravity (0 for x-axis, 1 for y-axis, 2 for z-axis).
void PxVehicleUpdateCMassLocalPose (const PxTransform &oldCMassLocalPose, const PxTransform &newCMassLocalPose, const PxU32 gravityDirection, PxVehicleWheels *vehicle)
 Reconfigure the vehicle to reflect a new center of mass local pose that has been applied to the actor. The function requires (i) the center of mass local pose that was last used to configure the vehicle and the vehicle's actor, (ii) the new center of mass local pose that has been applied to the vehicle's actor and will now be applied to the vehicle, and (iii) the direction of gravity (0 for x-axis, 1 for y-axis, 2 for z-axis).
void PxVehicleCopyDynamicsData (const PxVehicleCopyDynamicsMap &wheelMap, const PxVehicleWheels &src, PxVehicleWheels *trg)
 Copy dynamics data from src to trg, including wheel rotation speed, wheel rotation angle, engine rotation speed etc.

Define Documentation

#define PX_DEBUG_VEHICLE_ON   (1)

Compiler setting to enable recording of telemetry data.

See also:
PxVehicleUpdateSingleVehicleAndStoreTelemetryData, PxVehicleTelemetryData

#define PX_MAX_NB_WHEELS   (20)

This number is the maximum number of wheels allowed for a vehicle.

Referenced by PxVehicleCopyDynamicsMap::PxVehicleCopyDynamicsMap(), and PxVehicleDifferentialNWData::PxVehicleDifferentialNWData().

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* PxVehicleComputeTireForce)(const void *shaderData, const PxF32 tireFriction, const PxF32 longSlip, const PxF32 latSlip, const PxF32 camber, const PxF32 wheelOmega, const PxF32 wheelRadius, const PxF32 recipWheelRadius, const PxF32 restTireLoad, const PxF32 normalisedTireLoad, const PxF32 tireLoad, const PxF32 gravity, const PxF32 recipGravity, PxF32 &wheelTorque, PxF32 &tireLongForceMag, PxF32 &tireLatForceMag, PxF32 &tireAlignMoment)

Prototype of shader function that is used to compute wheel torque and tire forces.

[in] shaderData is the shader data for the tire being processed. The shader data describes the tire data in the format required by the tire model that is implemented by the shader function.
[in] tireFriction is the value of friction for the contact between the tire and the ground.
[in] longSlip is the value of longitudinal slip experienced by the tire.
[in] latSlip is the value of lateral slip experienced by the tire.
[in] camber is the camber angle of the tire in radians.
[in] wheelOmega is the rotational speed of the wheel.
[in] wheelRadius is the distance from the tire surface to the center of the wheel.
[in] recipWheelRadius is the reciprocal of wheelRadius.
[in] restTireLoad is the load force experienced by the tire when the vehicle is at rest.
[in] normalisedTireLoad is a pre-computed value equal to the load force on the tire divided by restTireLoad.
[in] tireLoad is the load force currently experienced by the tire (= restTireLoad*normalisedTireLoad)
[in] gravity is the magnitude of gravitational acceleration.
[in] recipGravity is the reciprocal of the magnitude of gravitational acceleration.
[out] wheelTorque is the torque that is to be applied to the wheel around the wheel's axle.
[out] tireLongForceMag is the magnitude of the longitudinal tire force to be applied to the vehicle's rigid body.
[out] tireLatForceMag is the magnitude of the lateral tire force to be applied to the vehicle's rigid body.
[out] tireAlignMoment is the aligning moment of the tire that is to be applied to the vehicle's rigid body (not currently used).
See also:
PxVehicleWheelsDynData::setTireForceShaderFunction, PxVehicleWheelsDynData::setTireForceShaderData

Function Documentation

PX_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT ( = =(sizeof(PxVehicleChassisData)&0x0f)  ) 

PX_C_EXPORT void PX_CALL_CONV PxCloseVehicleSDK ( PxSerializationRegistry serializationRegistry = NULL  ) 

Shut down the PhysXVehicle library.

Call this function as part of the physx shutdown process.

serializationRegistry PxSerializationRegistry instance, if non-NULL must be the same as passed into PxInitVehicleSDK.
This function must be called prior to shutdown of PxFoundation and PxPhysics.

If the PxSerializationRegistry instance is specified this function must additionally be called prior to shutdown of PhysXExtensions.

See also:

PX_C_EXPORT bool PX_CALL_CONV PxInitVehicleSDK ( PxPhysics physics,
PxSerializationRegistry serializationRegistry = NULL 

Initialize the PhysXVehicle library.

Call this before using any of the vehicle functions.

physics The PxPhysics instance.
serializationRegistry PxSerializationRegistry instance, if NULL vehicle serialization is not supported.
This function must be called after PxFoundation and PxPhysics instances have been created.

If a PxSerializationRegistry instance is specified then PhysXVehicle is also dependent on PhysXExtensions.

See also:

void PxVehicle4WEnable3WDeltaMode ( PxVehicleWheelsSimData wheelsSimData,
PxVehicleWheelsDynData wheelsDynData,
PxVehicleDriveSimData4W driveSimData 

Reconfigure a PxVehicle4W instance as a three-wheeled car with delta config (1 front wheel, 2 rear wheels).

The front-left wheel is removed and the front-right wheel is positioned at the centre of the front axle. The suspension of the front-right wheel is modified to support the entire mass of the front car while preserving its natural frequency and damping ratio.
[in,out] wheelsSimData is the data describing the wheels/suspensions/tires of the vehicle.
[in,out] wheelsDynData is the data describing the dynamic state of the wheels of the vehicle.
[in,out] driveSimData is the data describing the drive model of the vehicle.

void PxVehicle4WEnable3WTadpoleMode ( PxVehicleWheelsSimData wheelsSimData,
PxVehicleWheelsDynData wheelsDynData,
PxVehicleDriveSimData4W driveSimData 

Reconfigure a PxVehicle4W instance as a three-wheeled car with tadpole config (2 front wheels, 1 rear wheel).

The rear-left wheel is removed and the rear-right wheel is positioned at the centre of the rear axle. The suspension of the rear-right wheel is modified to support the entire mass of the front car while preserving its natural frequency and damping ratio.
[in,out] wheelsSimData is the data describing the wheels/suspensions/tires of the vehicle.
[in,out] wheelsDynData is the data describing the dynamic state of the wheels of the vehicle.
[in,out] driveSimData is the data describing the drive model of the vehicle.

void PxVehicleComputeSprungMasses ( const PxU32  nbSprungMasses,
const PxVec3 sprungMassCoordinates,
const PxVec3 centreOfMass,
const PxReal  totalMass,
const PxU32  gravityDirection,
PxReal *  sprungMasses 

Compute the sprung masses of the suspension springs given (i) the number of sprung masses, (ii) coordinates of the sprung masses, (iii) the center of mass offset of the rigid body, (iv) the total mass of the rigid body, and (v) the direction of gravity (0 for x-axis, 1 for y-axis, 2 for z-axis).

[in] nbSprungMasses is the number of sprung masses of the vehicle. This value corresponds to the number of wheels on the vehicle.
[in] sprungMassCoordinates are the coordinates of the sprung masses relative to the actor. The array sprungMassCoordinates must be of length nbSprungMasses or greater.
[in] centreOfMass is the coordinate of the center of mass of the rigid body relative to the actor. This value corresponds to the value set by PxRigidBody::setCMassLocalPose.
[in] totalMass is the total mass of all the sprung masses. This value corresponds to the value set by PxRigidBody::setMass.
[in] gravityDirection is an integer describing the direction of gravitational acceleration. A value of 0 corresponds to (-1,0,0), a value of 1 corresponds to (0,-1,0) and a value of 2 corresponds to (0,0,-1).
[out] sprungMasses are the masses to set in the associated suspension data with PxVehicleSuspensionData::mSprungMass. The sprungMasses array must be of length nbSprungMasses or greater. Each element in the sprungMasses array corresponds to the suspension located at the same array element in sprungMassCoordinates. The center of mass of the masses in sprungMasses with the coordinates in sprungMassCoordinates satisfy the specified centerOfMass.

void PxVehicleCopyDynamicsData ( const PxVehicleCopyDynamicsMap wheelMap,
const PxVehicleWheels src,
PxVehicleWheels trg 

Copy dynamics data from src to trg, including wheel rotation speed, wheel rotation angle, engine rotation speed etc.

[in] wheelMap - describes the mapping between the wheels in src and the wheels in trg.
[in] src - according to the wheel mapping stored in wheelMap, the dynamics data in src wheels are copied to the corresponding wheels in trg.
[out] trg - according to wheel mapping stored in wheelMap, the wheels in trg are given the dynamics data of the corresponding wheels in src.
wheelMap must specify a unique mapping between the wheels in src and the wheels in trg.

In the event that src has fewer wheels than trg, wheelMap must specify a unique mapping between each src wheel to a trg wheel.

In the event that src has more wheels than trg, wheelMap must specify a unique mapping to each trg wheel from a src wheel.

In the event that src has fewer wheels than trg, the trg wheels that are not mapped to a src wheel are given the average wheel rotation speed of all enabled src wheels.

src and trg must be the same vehicle type.

void PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothAnalogRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs ( const PxVehiclePadSmoothingData padSmoothing,
const PxFixedSizeLookupTable< 8 > &  steerVsForwardSpeedTable,
const PxVehicleDrive4WRawInputData rawInputData,
const PxReal  timestep,
const bool  isVehicleInAir,
PxVehicleDrive4W focusVehicle 

Used to smooth and set analog vehicle control values from analog inputs (gamepad). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.

[in] padSmoothing describes how quickly the control values applied to the vehicle blend from the current vehicle values towards the raw analog values from the gamepad.
[in] steerVsForwardSpeedTable is a table of maximum allowed steer versus forward vehicle speed.
[in] rawInputData is the state of all gamepad analog inputs that will be used control the vehicle.
[in] timestep is the time that has passed since the last call to PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs
[in] isVehicleInAir describes if the vehicle is in the air or on the ground and is used to decide whether or not to apply steerVsForwardSpeedTable.
[in] focusVehicle is the vehicle that will be given analog control values arising from the gamepad inputs.

void PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs ( const PxVehicleKeySmoothingData keySmoothing,
const PxFixedSizeLookupTable< 8 > &  steerVsForwardSpeedTable,
const PxVehicleDrive4WRawInputData rawInputData,
const PxReal  timestep,
const bool  isVehicleInAir,
PxVehicleDrive4W focusVehicle 

Used to smooth and set analog vehicle control values (accel,brake,handbrake,steer) from digital inputs (keyboard). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.

[in] keySmoothing describes the rise and fall rates of the corresponding analog values when keys are pressed on and off.
[in] steerVsForwardSpeedTable is a table of maximum allowed steer versus forward vehicle speed.
[in] rawInputData is the state of all digital inputs that control the vehicle.
[in] timestep is the time that has passed since the last call to PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs
[in] isVehicleInAir describes if the vehicle is in the air or on the ground and is used to decide whether or not to apply steerVsForwardSpeedTable.
[in] focusVehicle is the vehicle that will be given analog and gearup/geardown control values arising from the digital inputs.

void PxVehicleDriveNWSmoothAnalogRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs ( const PxVehiclePadSmoothingData padSmoothing,
const PxFixedSizeLookupTable< 8 > &  steerVsForwardSpeedTable,
const PxVehicleDriveNWRawInputData rawInputData,
const PxReal  timestep,
const bool  isVehicleInAir,
PxVehicleDriveNW focusVehicle 

Used to smooth and set analog vehicle control values from analog inputs (gamepad). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.

[in] padSmoothing describes how quickly the control values applied to the vehicle blend from the current vehicle values towards the raw analog values from the gamepad.
[in] steerVsForwardSpeedTable is a table of maximum allowed steer versus forward vehicle speed.
[in] rawInputData is the state of all gamepad analog inputs that will be used control the vehicle.
[in] timestep is the time that has passed since the last call to PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs
[in] isVehicleInAir describes if the vehicle is in the air or on the ground and is used to decide whether or not to apply steerVsForwardSpeedTable.
[in] focusVehicle is the vehicle that will be given analog control values arising from the gamepad inputs.

void PxVehicleDriveNWSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs ( const PxVehicleKeySmoothingData keySmoothing,
const PxFixedSizeLookupTable< 8 > &  steerVsForwardSpeedTable,
const PxVehicleDriveNWRawInputData rawInputData,
const PxReal  timestep,
const bool  isVehicleInAir,
PxVehicleDriveNW focusVehicle 

Used to smooth and set analog vehicle control values (accel,brake,handbrake,steer) from digital inputs (keyboard). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.

[in] keySmoothing describes the rise and fall rates of the corresponding analog values when keys are pressed on and off.
[in] steerVsForwardSpeedTable is a table of maximum allowed steer versus forward vehicle speed.
[in] rawInputData is the state of all digital inputs that control the vehicle.
[in] timestep is the time that has passed since the last call to PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs
[in] isVehicleInAir describes if the vehicle is in the air or on the ground and is used to decide whether or not to apply steerVsForwardSpeedTable.
[in] focusVehicle is the vehicle that will be given analog and gearup/geardown control values arising from the digital inputs.

void PxVehicleDriveTankSmoothAnalogRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs ( const PxVehiclePadSmoothingData padSmoothing,
const PxVehicleDriveTankRawInputData rawInputData,
const PxReal  timestep,
PxVehicleDriveTank focusVehicle 

Used to smooth and set analog tank control values from analog inputs (gamepad). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.

[in] padSmoothing describes how quickly the control values applied to the vehicle blend from the current vehicle values towards the raw analog values from the gamepad.
[in] rawInputData is the state of all gamepad analog inputs that will be used control the vehicle.
[in] timestep is the time that has passed since the last call to PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs
[in] focusVehicle is the vehicle that will be given analog control values arising from the gamepad inputs.

void PxVehicleDriveTankSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs ( const PxVehicleKeySmoothingData keySmoothing,
const PxVehicleDriveTankRawInputData rawInputData,
const PxReal  timestep,
PxVehicleDriveTank focusVehicle 

Used to smooth and set analog tank control values from digital inputs (keyboard). Also used to set boolean gearup, geardown values.

[in] keySmoothing describes the rise and fall rates of the corresponding analog values when keys are pressed on and off.
[in] rawInputData is the state of all digital inputs that control the vehicle.
[in] timestep is the time that has passed since the last call to PxVehicleDrive4WSmoothDigitalRawInputsAndSetAnalogInputs
[in] focusVehicle is the vehicle that will be given analog and gearup/geardown control values arising from the digital inputs.

bool PxVehicleIsInAir ( const PxVehicleWheelQueryResult vehWheelQueryResults  ) 

Test if all wheels of a vehicle are in the air by querying the wheel query data stored in the last call to PxVehicleUpdates. If all wheels are in the air then true is returned.

False is returned if any wheel can reach to the ground.

If vehWheelQueryResults.wheelQueryResults is NULL or vehWheelQueryResults.nbWheelQueryResults is 0 then true is returned. This function does not account for wheels that have been disabled since the last execution of PxVehicleUpdates so it is possible that wheels disabled more recently than the last call to PxVehicleUpdates report are treated as touching the ground.

True if the vehicle is in the air, false if any wheel is touching the ground.

PxU32 PxVehicleModifyWheelContacts ( const PxVehicleWheels vehicle,
const PxU32  wheelId,
const PxF32  wheelTangentVelocityMultiplier,
const PxReal  maxImpulse,
PxContactModifyPair contactModifyPair 

A function called from PxContactModifyCallback::onContactModify. The function determines if rigid body contact points recorded for the wheel's PxShape are likely to be duplicated and resolved by the wheel's suspension raycast. Contact points that will be resolved by the suspension are ignored. Contact points that are accepted (rather than ignored) are modified to account for the effect of the suspension geometry and the angular speed of the wheel.

[in] vehicle is a reference to the PxVehicleWheels instance that owns the wheel
[in] wheelId is the id of the wheel
[in] wheelTangentVelocityMultiplier determines the amount of wheel angular velocity that is used to modify the target relative velocity of the contact. The target relative velocity is modified by adding a vector equal to the tangent velocity of the rotating wheel at the contact point and scaled by wheelTangentVelocityMultiplier. The value of wheelTangentVelocityMultiplier is limited to the range (0,1). Higher values mimic higher values of friction and tire load, while lower values mimic lower values of friction and tire load.
[in] maxImpulse determines the maximum impulse strength that the contacts can apply when a wheel is in contact with a PxRigidDynamic. This value is ignored for contacts with PxRigidStatic instances.
[in,out] contactModifyPair describes the set of contacts involving the PxShape of the specified wheel and one other shape. The contacts in the contact set are ignored or modified as required.
[in] Contact points are accepted or rejected using the threshold angles specified in the function PxVehicleSetSweepHitRejectionAngles.

If a contact point is not rejected it is modified to account for the wheel rotation speed.

Set maxImpulse to PX_MAX_F32 to allow any impulse value to be applied.

Reduce maxImpulse if the wheels are frequently colliding with light objects with mass much less than the vehicle's mass. Reducing this value encourages numerical stability.

See also:
PxContactModifyCallback::onContactModify, PxVehicleSetSweepHitRejectionAngles

void PxVehiclePostUpdates ( const PxVehicleConcurrentUpdateData vehicleConcurrentUpdates,
const PxU32  nbVehicles,
PxVehicleWheels **  vehicles 

Apply actor changes that were computed in concurrent calls to PxVehicleUpdates but which could not be safely applied due to the concurrency.

[in] vehicleConcurrentUpdates is an array of length nbVehicles where vehicleConcurrentUpdates[i] contains data describing actor changes that were computed for vehicles[i] during concurrent calls to PxVehicleUpdates.
[in] nbVehicles is the number of vehicles pointers in the vehicles array
[in,out] vehicles is an array of length nbVehicles containing all vehicles that were partially updated in concurrent calls to PxVehicleUpdates.
See also:

void PxVehicleSetBasisVectors ( const PxVec3 up,
const PxVec3 forward 

Set the basis vectors of the vehicle simulation.

Default values PxVec3(0,1,0), PxVec3(0,0,1)

Call this function before using PxVehicleUpdates unless the default values are correct.

void PxVehicleSetMaxHitActorAcceleration ( const PxF32  maxHitActorAcceleration  ) 

Determine the maximum acceleration experienced by PxRigidDynamic instances that are found to be in contact with a wheel.

Newton's Third Law states that every force has an equal and opposite force. As a consequence, forces applied to the suspension must be applied to dynamic objects that lie under the wheel. This can lead to instabilities, particularly when a heavy wheel is driving on a light object. The value of maxHitActorAcceleration clamps the applied force so that it never generates an acceleration greater than the specified value.

Default value of maxHitActorAcceleration is PX_MAX_REAL

void PxVehicleSetSweepHitRejectionAngles ( const PxF32  pointRejectAngle,
const PxF32  normalRejectAngle 

Set threshold angles that are used to determine if a wheel hit is to be resolved by vehicle suspension or by rigid body collision.

^ N ___ |**
%%% %%% ** %%% %%% ** / / %%% %%% / / %%% %%% / C / %%% | ** %%% / | ** / %%% | **%%/ | X** %%% | %%% / **_| ^ | / D %%% | %%% / | / | / | / | ^ | S \|/

The diagram above depicts a wheel centered at "C" that has hit an inclined plane at point "X". The inclined plane has unit normal "N", while the suspension direction has unit vector "S". The unit vector from the wheel center to the hit point is "D". Hit points are analyzed by comparing the unit vectors D and N with the suspension direction S. This analysis is performed in the contact modification callback PxVehicleModifyWheelContacts (when enabled) and in PxVehicleUpdates (when non-blocking sweeps are enabled). If the angle between D and S is less than pointRejectAngle the hit is accepted by the suspension in PxVehicleUpdates and rejected by the contact modification callback PxVehicleModifyWheelContacts. If the angle between -N and S is less than normalRejectAngle the hit is accepted by the suspension in PxVehicleUpdates and rejected by the contact modification callback PxVehicleModifyWheelContacts.

pointRejectAngle is the threshold angle used when comparing the angle between D and S.
normalRejectAngle is the threshold angle used when comparing the angle between -N and S.
PxVehicleUpdates ignores the rejection angles for raycasts and for sweeps that return blocking hits.

Both angles have default values of Pi/4.

See also:
PxVehicleSuspensionSweeps, PxVehicleModifyWheelContacts

void PxVehicleSetUpdateMode ( PxVehicleUpdateMode::Enum  vehicleUpdateMode  ) 

Set the effect of PxVehicleUpdates to be either to modify each vehicle's rigid body actor.

with an acceleration to be applied in the next PhysX SDK update or as an immediate velocity modification.

Default behavior is immediate velocity modification.

Call this function before using PxVehicleUpdates for the first time if the default is not the desired behavior.

See also:

void PxVehicleShiftOrigin ( const PxVec3 shift,
const PxU32  nbVehicles,
PxVehicleWheels **  vehicles 

Shift the origin of vehicles by the specified vector.

Call this method to adjust the internal data structures of vehicles to reflect the shifted origin location (the shift vector will get subtracted from all world space spatial data).

It is the user's responsibility to keep track of the summed total origin shift and adjust all input/output to/from PhysXVehicle accordingly.

This call will not automatically shift the PhysX scene and its objects. You need to call PxScene::shiftOrigin() seperately to keep the systems in sync.

[in] shift is the translation vector to shift the origin by.
[in] nbVehicles is the number of vehicles in the vehicles array.
[in,out] vehicles is an array of all vehicles that should be updated to map to the new scene origin.

void PxVehicleSuspensionRaycasts ( PxBatchQuery batchQuery,
const PxU32  nbVehicles,
PxVehicleWheels **  vehicles,
const PxU32  nbSceneQueryResults,
PxRaycastQueryResult sceneQueryResults,
const bool *  vehiclesToRaycast = NULL 

Perform raycasts for all suspension lines for all vehicles.

[in] batchQuery is a PxBatchQuery instance used to specify shader data and functions for the raycast scene queries.
[in] nbVehicles is the number of vehicles in the vehicles array.
[in] vehicles is an array of all vehicles that are to have a raycast issued from each wheel.
[in] nbSceneQueryResults must be greater than or equal to the total number of wheels of all the vehicles in the vehicles array; that is, sceneQueryResults must have dimensions large enough for one raycast hit result per wheel for all the vehicles in the vehicles array.
[in] sceneQueryResults must persist without being overwritten until the end of the next PxVehicleUpdates call.
[in] vehiclesToRaycast is an array of bools of length nbVehicles that is used to decide if raycasts will be performed for the corresponding vehicle in the vehicles array. If vehiclesToRaycast[i] is true then suspension line raycasts will be performed for vehicles[i]. If vehiclesToRaycast[i] is false then suspension line raycasts will not be performed for vehicles[i].
If vehiclesToRaycast is NULL then raycasts are performed for all vehicles in the vehicles array.

If vehiclesToRaycast[i] is false then the vehicle stored in vehicles[i] will automatically use the raycast or sweep hit planes recorded by the most recent suspension sweeps or raycasts for that vehicle. For vehicles far from the camera or not visible on the screen it can be optimal to only perform suspension line raycasts every Nth update rather than every single update. The accuracy of the cached contact plane naturally diminishes as N increase, meaning that wheels might start to hover or intersect the ground for large values of N or even with values close to 1 in conjunction with large vehicle speeds and/or geometry that has low spatial coherence.

Calling setToRestState invalidates any cached hit planes. Prior to calling PxVehicleUpdates each vehicle needs to perform suspension line raycasts or sweeps at least once after instantiation and at least once after calling setToRestState.

Each raycast casts along the suspension travel direction from the position of the top of the wheel at maximum suspension compression to the position of the base of the wheel at maximum droop. Raycasts that start inside a PxShape are subsequently ignored by the corresponding vehicle.

Only blocking hits are supported (PxQueryHitType::eBLOCK).

See also:
PxVehicleDrive4W::setToRestState, PxVehicleDriveNW::setToRestState, PxVehicleDriveTank::setToRestState, PxVehicleNoDrive::setToRestState

void PxVehicleSuspensionSweeps ( PxBatchQuery batchQuery,
const PxU32  nbVehicles,
PxVehicleWheels **  vehicles,
const PxU32  nbSceneQueryResults,
PxSweepQueryResult sceneQueryResults,
const PxU16  nbHitsPerQuery,
const bool *  vehiclesToSweep = NULL,
const PxF32  sweepWidthScale = 1.0f,
const PxF32  sweepRadiusScale = 1.0f 

Perform sweeps for all suspension lines for all vehicles.

[in] batchQuery is a PxBatchQuery instance used to specify shader data and functions for the sweep scene queries.
[in] nbVehicles is the number of vehicles in the vehicles array.
[in] vehicles is an array of all vehicles that are to have a sweep issued from each wheel.
[in] nbSceneQueryResults must be greater than or equal to the total number of wheels of all the vehicles in the vehicles array; that is, sceneQueryResults must have dimensions large enough for one sweep hit result per wheel for all the vehicles in the vehicles array.
[in] sceneQueryResults must persist without being overwritten until the end of the next PxVehicleUpdates call.
[in] nbHitsPerQuery is the maximum numbers of hits that will be returned for each query.
[in] vehiclesToSweep is an array of bools of length nbVehicles that is used to decide if sweeps will be performed for the corresponding vehicle in the vehicles array. If vehiclesToSweep[i] is true then suspension sweeps will be performed for vehicles[i]. If vehiclesToSweep[i] is false then suspension sweeps will not be performed for vehicles[i].
[in] sweepWidthScale scales the geometry of the wheel used in the sweep. Values < 1 result in a thinner swept wheel, while values > 1 result in a fatter swept wheel.
[in] sweepRadiusScale scales the geometry of the wheel used in the sweep. Values < 1 result in a larger swept wheel, while values > 1 result in a smaller swept wheel.
If vehiclesToSweep is NULL then sweeps are performed for all vehicles in the vehicles array.

If vehiclesToSweep[i] is false then the vehicle stored in vehicles[i] will automatically use the most recent sweep or raycast hit planes recorded by the most recent suspension sweeps or raycasts for that vehicle. For vehicles far from the camera or not visible on the screen it can be optimal to only perform suspension queries every Nth update rather than every single update. The accuracy of the cached contact plane naturally diminishes as N increase, meaning that wheels might start to hover or intersect the ground for large values of N or even with values close to 1 in conjunction with large vehicle speeds and/or geometry that has low spatial coherence.

Calling setToRestState invalidates any cached hit planes. Prior to calling PxVehicleUpdates each vehicle needs to perform suspension raycasts or sweeps at least once after instantiation and at least once after calling setToRestState.

Each sweep casts the wheel's shape along the suspension travel direction from the position of the top of the wheel at maximum suspension compression to the position of the base of the wheel at maximum droop. Sweeps that start inside a PxShape are subsequently ignored by the corresponding vehicle.

A scale can be applied to the shape so that a modified shape is swept through the scene. The parameters sweepWidthScale and sweepRadiusScale scale the swept wheel shape in the width and radial directions. It is sometimes a good idea to sweep a thinner wheel to allow contact with other dynamic actors to be resolved first before attempting to drive on them.

Blocking hits (PxQueryHitType::eBLOCK) and non-blocking hits (PxQueryHitType::TOUCH) are supported. If the pre-and post-filter functions of the PxBatchQuery instance are set up to return blocking hits it is recommended to set nbHitsPerQuery = 1. If the filter functions returns touch hits then it is recommended to set nbHitsPerQuery > 1. The exact value depends on the expected complexity of the geometry that lies under the wheel. For complex geometry, especially with dynamic objects, it is recommended to use non-blocking hits. The vehicle update function will analyze all returned hits and choose the most appropriate using the thresholds set in PxVehicleSetSweepHitRejectionAngles.

See also:
PxVehicleDrive4W::setToRestState, PxVehicleDriveNW::setToRestState, PxVehicleDriveTank::setToRestState, PxVehicleNoDrive::setToRestState



void PxVehicleUpdateCMassLocalPose ( const PxTransform oldCMassLocalPose,
const PxTransform newCMassLocalPose,
const PxU32  gravityDirection,
PxVehicleWheels vehicle 

Reconfigure the vehicle to reflect a new center of mass local pose that has been applied to the actor. The function requires (i) the center of mass local pose that was last used to configure the vehicle and the vehicle's actor, (ii) the new center of mass local pose that has been applied to the vehicle's actor and will now be applied to the vehicle, and (iii) the direction of gravity (0 for x-axis, 1 for y-axis, 2 for z-axis).

[in] oldCMassLocalPose is the center of mass local pose that was last used to configure the vehicle.
[in] newCMassLocalPose is the center of mass local pose that will be used to configure the vehicle so that it matches the vehicle's actor.
[in] gravityDirection is an integer describing the direction of gravitational acceleration. A value of 0 corresponds to (0,0,-1), a value of 1 corresponds to (0,-1,0) and a value of 2 corresponds to (0,0,-1).
[in,out] vehicle is the vehicle to be updated with a new center of mass local pose.
This function does not update the center of mass of the vehicle actor. That needs to updated separately with PxRigidBody::setCMassLocalPose

The suspension sprung masses are updated so that the natural frequency and damping ratio of the springs are preserved. This involves altering the stiffness and damping rate of the suspension springs.

void PxVehicleUpdates ( const PxReal  timestep,
const PxVec3 gravity,
const PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceToTireFrictionPairs vehicleDrivableSurfaceToTireFrictionPairs,
const PxU32  nbVehicles,
PxVehicleWheels **  vehicles,
PxVehicleWheelQueryResult vehicleWheelQueryResults,
PxVehicleConcurrentUpdateData vehicleConcurrentUpdates = NULL 

Update an array of vehicles by either applying an acceleration to the rigid body actor associated with each vehicle or by an immediate update of the velocity of the actor.

The update mode (acceleration or velocity change) can be selected with PxVehicleSetUpdateMode.
[in] timestep is the timestep of the update
[in] gravity is the value of gravitational acceleration
[in] vehicleDrivableSurfaceToTireFrictionPairs describes the mapping between each PxMaterial ptr and an integer representing a surface type. It also stores the friction value for each combination of surface and tire type.
[in] nbVehicles is the number of vehicles pointers in the vehicles array
[in,out] vehicles is an array of length nbVehicles containing all vehicles to be updated by the specified timestep
[out] vehicleWheelQueryResults is an array of length nbVehicles storing the wheel query results of each corresponding vehicle and wheel in the vehicles array. A NULL pointer is permitted.
[out] vehicleConcurrentUpdates is an array of length nbVehicles. It is only necessary to specify vehicleConcurrentUpdates if PxVehicleUpdates is called concurrently. The element vehicleWheelQueryResults[i] of the array stores data that is computed for vehicle[i] during PxVehicleUpdates but which cannot be safely written when concurrently called. The data computed and stored in vehicleConcurrentUpdates must be passed to PxVehiclePostUpdates, where it is applied to all relevant actors in sequence. A NULL pointer is permitted.
The vehicleWheelQueryResults buffer must persist until the end of PxVehicleUpdates.

The vehicleWheelQueryResults buffer is left unmodified for vehicles with sleeping rigid bodies whose control inputs indicate they should remain inert.

If PxVehicleUpdates is called concurrently then vehicleConcurrentUpdates must be specified. Do not specify vehicleConcurrentUpdates is PxVehicleUpdates is not called concurrently.

The vehicleConcurrentUpdates buffer must persist until the end of PxVehiclePostUpdate.

If any vehicle has one or more disabled wheels (PxVehicleWheelsSimData::disableWheel) then the disabled wheels must not be associated with a PxShape (PxVehicleWheelsSimData::setWheelShapeMapping); the differential of the vehicle must be configured so that no drive torque is delivered to a disabled wheel; and the wheel must have zero rotation speed (PxVehicleWheelsDynData::setWheelRotationSpeed)

PxVehicleUpdates may be called concurrently provided all concurrent calls to PxVehicleUpdates involve only vehicles in the scene specified by PxVehicleUpdateSetScene. PxVehicleUpdates must never run concurrently with PxVehicleUpdateSingleVehicleAndStoreTelemetryData.

See also:
PxVehicleSetUpdateMode, PxVehicleWheelsSimData::disableWheel, PxVehicleWheelsSimData::setWheelShapeMapping, PxVehicleWheelsDynData::setWheelRotationSpeed, PxVehiclePostUpdates

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