NVIDIA(R) PhysX(R) SDK 3.4 API Reference: PxConstraintConnector Class Reference


PxConstraintConnector Class Reference

This class connects a custom constraint to the SDK. More...

#include <PxConstraintDesc.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void * prepareData ()=0
virtual bool updatePvdProperties (physx::pvdsdk::PvdDataStream &pvdConnection, const PxConstraint *c, PxPvdUpdateType::Enum updateType) const =0
virtual void onConstraintRelease ()=0
virtual void onComShift (PxU32 actor)=0
virtual void onOriginShift (const PxVec3 &shift)=0
virtual void * getExternalReference (PxU32 &typeID)=0
 Fetches external data for a constraint.
virtual PxBasegetSerializable ()=0
 Obtain a reference to a PxBase interface if the constraint has one.
virtual PxConstraintSolverPrep getPrep () const =0
 Obtain the shader function pointer used to prep rows for this constraint.
virtual const void * getConstantBlock () const =0
 Obtain the pointer to the constraint's constant data.
virtual ~PxConstraintConnector ()
 virtual destructor

Detailed Description

This class connects a custom constraint to the SDK.

This class connects a custom constraint to the SDK, and functions are called by the SDK to query the custom implementation for specific information to pass on to the application or inform the constraint when the application makes calls into the SDK which will update the custom constraint's internal implementation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual PxConstraintConnector::~PxConstraintConnector (  )  [inline, virtual]

virtual destructor

Member Function Documentation

virtual const void* PxConstraintConnector::getConstantBlock (  )  const [pure virtual]

Obtain the pointer to the constraint's constant data.

virtual void* PxConstraintConnector::getExternalReference ( PxU32 typeID  )  [pure virtual]

Fetches external data for a constraint.

This function is used by the SDK to acquire a reference to the owner of a constraint and a unique owner type ID. This information will be passed on when a breakable constraint breaks or when PxConstraint::getExternalReference() is called.

[out] typeID Unique type identifier of the external object. The value 0xffffffff is reserved and should not be used. Furthermore, if the PhysX extensions library is used, some other IDs are reserved already (see PxConstraintExtIDs)
Reference to the external object which owns the constraint.
See also:
PxConstraintInfo PxSimulationEventCallback.onConstraintBreak()

virtual PxConstraintSolverPrep PxConstraintConnector::getPrep (  )  const [pure virtual]

Obtain the shader function pointer used to prep rows for this constraint.

virtual PxBase* PxConstraintConnector::getSerializable (  )  [pure virtual]

Obtain a reference to a PxBase interface if the constraint has one.

If the constraint does not implement the PxBase interface, it should return NULL.

virtual void PxConstraintConnector::onComShift ( PxU32  actor  )  [pure virtual]

This function is called by the SDK when the CoM of one of the actors is moved. Since the API specifies constraint positions relative to actors, and the constraint shader functions are supplied with coordinates relative to bodies, some synchronization is usually required when the application moves an object's center of mass.

virtual void PxConstraintConnector::onConstraintRelease (  )  [pure virtual]

When the SDK deletes a PxConstraint object this function is called by the SDK. In general custom constraints should not be deleted directly by applications: rather, the constraint should respond to a release() request by calling PxConstraint::release(), then wait for this call to release its own resources, so that even if the release() call occurs during a simulation step, the deletion of the constraint is buffered until that step completes.

This function is also called when a PxConstraint object is deleted on cleanup due to destruction of the PxPhysics object.

virtual void PxConstraintConnector::onOriginShift ( const PxVec3 shift  )  [pure virtual]

This function is called by the SDK when the scene origin gets shifted and allows to adjust custom data which contains world space transforms.

If the adjustments affect constraint shader data, it is necessary to call PxConstraint::markDirty() to make sure that the data gets synced at the beginning of the next simulation step.
[in] shift Translation vector the origin is shifted by.
See also:

virtual void* PxConstraintConnector::prepareData (  )  [pure virtual]

when the constraint is marked dirty, this function is called at the start of the simulation step for the SDK to copy the constraint data block.

virtual bool PxConstraintConnector::updatePvdProperties ( physx::pvdsdk::PvdDataStream &  pvdConnection,
const PxConstraint c,
PxPvdUpdateType::Enum  updateType 
) const [pure virtual]

this function is called by the SDK to update PVD's view of it

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