ncGetDnetAttribute (Get DeviceNet Attribute)

NI-DNET Programmer

ncGetDnetAttribute (Get DeviceNet Attribute)


Get an attribute value from a DeviceNet device using an Explicit Messaging Object.




   NCTYPE_OBJH		ObjHandle,
   NCTYPE_UINT16		ClassId,
   NCTYPE_UINT16		InstanceId,
   NCTYPE_UINT8		AttributeId,
   NCTYPE_UINT16		SizeofAttrData,
   NCTYPE_ANY_P		AttrData,
   NCTYPE_UINT16_P		ActualAttrDataLength
   NCTYPE_UINT16_P		DeviceError);


ObjHandle Object handle of an open Explicit Messaging Object
ClassId Identifies the class which contains the attribute
InstanceId Identifies the instance which contains the attribute
AttributeId Identifies the attribute to get
Timeout Maximum time to wait for response from device
SizeofAttrData Size of AttrData buffer in bytes (C only)


AttrData Attribute value received from device
ActualAttrDataLength Actual number of attribute data bytes returned
DeviceError Error codes from device error response

Function Description

ncGetDnetAttribute gets the value of an attribute from a DeviceNet device using an Explicit Messaging Object.

ncGetDnetAttribute executes the Get Attribute Single service on a remote DeviceNet device.

The format of the data returned in AttrData is defined by the DeviceNet data type in the attribute's description. When using LabVIEW, the ncConvertFromDnetRead function can convert this DeviceNet data type into an appropriate LabVIEW data type. When using C, AttrData can point to a variable of the appropriate data type as specified in NI-DNET Data Types.

Parameter Descriptions


Description ObjHandle must contain an object handle returned from the ncOpenDnetExplMsg function. In LabVIEW, ObjHandle passes through the VI as an output so that it can be used for subsequent function calls for the object.
Values The encoding of ObjHandle is internal to NI-DNET.


Description Identifies the class which contains the attribute. For descriptions and identifiers for each standard DeviceNet class, refer to the DeviceNet Specification (Volume 2, Chapter 6, The DeviceNet Object Library). Vendor-specific classes are documented by the device vendor. Although the DeviceNet Specification allows 16-bit class IDs, most class IDs are 8-bit. NI-DNET automatically uses the class ID size (16-bit or 8-bit) that is appropriate for your device.
Values 00 to FFFF hex


Description Identifies the instance which contains the attribute. Instance ID 0 is used to get an attribute from the class itself. Other instance IDs typically are numbered starting at 1. For example, the primary Identity Object in a device uses instance ID 1. Although the DeviceNet Specification allows 16-bit instance IDs, most instance IDs are 8-bit. NI-DNET automatically uses the instance ID size (16-bit or 8-bit) that is appropriate for your device.
Values 00 to FFFF hex


Description Identifies the attribute to get. Attribute IDs are listed in the class and instance descriptions in the DeviceNet Specification. The attribute's description also lists the DeviceNet data type for the attribute's value.
Values 00 to FF hex


Description Maximum time to wait for response from device. To get the attribute from the device, an explicit message request for the Get Attribute Single service is sent to the device. After sending the service request, this function must wait for the explicit message response for Get Attribute Single. Timeout specifies the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for the response before giving up. If the timeout expires before the response is received, this function returns a status of BFF62001 hex (CanErrFunctionTimeout).

For most DeviceNet devices, a Timeout of 100 ms is appropriate. The special timeout value of FFFFFFFF hex is used to wait indefinitely.
Values 1 to 1000


FFFFFFFF hex (infinite duration, constant NC_DURATION_INFINITE)


Description For C, this is the size of the buffer referenced by AttrData. It is used to verify that you have enough bytes available to store the attribute data. This size is normally obtained using the C language sizeof function and has no direct relation to the number of bytes received on the network.

For LabVIEW, since the buffer for AttrData is allocated automatically by NI-DNET, this size is not needed.

The number of bytes allocated for AttrData should be large enough to hold the maximum number of data bytes defined for the attribute.
Values sizeof (buffer referenced by AttrData)


Description Attribute value received from device.

The format of the data returned in AttrData is defined by the DeviceNet data type in the attribute's description. When using LabVIEW, the ncConvertFromDnetRead function can convert this DeviceNet data type into an appropriate LabVIEW data type. When using C, AttrData can point to a variable of the appropriate data type as specified in NI-DNET Data Types.

The number of attribute data bytes returned is the smaller of SizeofAttrData and ActualAttrDataLength.
Values Attribute data bytes


Description Actual number of attribute data bytes returned. This length is obtained from the actual Get Attribute Single response message. If this length is greater than SizeofAttrData, only SizeofAttrData bytes are returned in AttrData. If this length is less than or equal to SizeofAttrData, ActualAttrDataLength bytes are valid in AttrData.
Values 0 to 240


Description Error codes from device's error response.

If the remote device responds successfully to the Get Attribute Single service, the return status is 0 (DnetSuccess), and DeviceError returns 0.

If the remote device returns an error response for the Get Attribute Single service, the return status is BFF62014 hex (DnetErrErrorResponse), and DeviceError returns the error codes from the response.

The General Error Code from the device's error response is returned in the low byte of DeviceError. Common values for General Error Code include Attribute Not Supported (14 hex), Object Does Not Exist (16 hex), and Invalid Attribute Value (09 hex).

The Additional Code from the device's error response is returned in the high byte of DeviceError. The Additional Code provides additional information that further describes the error. If no additional information is needed, the value FF hex is placed into this field.

Values for the General Error Code and Additional Code are documented in the DeviceNet Specification. Common error code values are found in Appendix H, DeviceNet Error Codes, in the DeviceNet Specification. Object-specific error codes are listed in the object description. Vendor-specific error codes are listed in your device's documentation.
Values Error codes from the device's error response.



Get the Serial Number attribute using an Explicit Messaging Object. The Serial Number is contained in the Identity Object (class ID 1, instance ID 1, attribute ID 6). The DeviceNet data type for Device Type is UDINT, for which the LabVIEW data type U32 should be used. The Timeout is 100 ms.


Get the Device Type attribute using the Explicit Messaging Object referenced by objh. The Device Type is contained in the Identity Object (class ID 1, instance ID 1, attribute ID 2). The DeviceNet data type for Device Type is UINT, for which the NI-DNET data type NCTYPE_UINT16 should be used.

NCTYPE_UINT16	device_type;
NCTYPE_UINT16	actual_length;
NCTYPE_UINT16	device_error;
status = ncGetDnetAttribute(objh, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 100, 
			sizeof(device_type), &device_type, 
			&actual_length, &device_error);