One or More Missing GPIB Interfaces
NI-488.2 did not recognize every GPIB interface. There are several reasons why you might encounter this problem:
GPIB interface is not properly installed
Refer to the GPIB Hardware Guide to verify that your GPIB interface is correctly installed. Rerun the NI-488.2 Troubleshooting Utility.
GPIB interface is not properly configured
If Windows or NI-488.2 cannot configure the hardware, it is listed in the Device Manager with a yellow exclamation icon. Select the malfunctioning device and uninstall it. Then refresh the Device Manager to reattempt configuration.
Windows has not finished installing the hardware
Complete the Found New Hardware Wizard for each GPIB interface. If you canceled the Found New Hardware Wizard, reboot your system and make sure the wizard finishes adding the GPIB hardware.
GPIB-ENET/100 has not been added to the system
You must run the Add GPIB-ENET/100 Wizard before using your interface. The wizard guides you through the process of adding a GPIB-ENET/100.
GPIB interface has been removed from the system
You have removed the GPIB interface from the system. For Plug-and-Play GPIB interfaces, click on the link below to launch the Device Manager. Right-click on your computer's name in the list and select Scan for hardware changes. You may also reboot your computer to allow the operating system to detect and install your GPIB interface. For the GPIB-ENET/100, rerun the Add GPIB-ENET/100 wizard.