The MSDN Documenter




All documenters share a common set of documenter settings.

Setting Description
BinaryTOC Create a binary table-of-contents file. This can significantly reduce the amount of time required to load a very large help document.
ExtensibilityStylesheet Path to an xslt stylesheet that contains templates for documenting extensibility tags.
FilesToInclude Specifies external files that must be included in the compiled CHM file. Multiple files must be separated by a pipe ('|').
FooterHtml Raw HTML that is used as a page footer instead of the default footer. "%FILE_NAME%\" is dynamically replaced by the name of the file for the current html page. "%ASSEMBLY_NAME%\" is dynamically replaced by the name of the assembly for the current page. "%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%\" is dynamically replaced by the version of the assembly for the current page. "%TOPIC_TITLE%\" is dynamically replaced by the title of the current page.
HeaderHtml Raw HTML that is used as a page header instead of the default blue banner. "%FILE_NAME%\" is dynamically replaced by the name of the file for the current html page. "%TOPIC_TITLE%\" is dynamically replaced by the title of the current page.
HtmlHelpName The HTML Help project file and the compiled HTML Help file use this property plus the appropriate extension as names.
IncludeFavorites Turning this flag on will include a Favorites tab in the HTML Help file.
OutputDirectory The directory in which .html files and the .chm file will be generated.
OutputTarget Sets the output type to HTML Help (.chm) or Web or both.
RootPageContainsNamespaces If true, the Root Page will be made the container of the namespaces in the table-of-contents. If false, the Root Page will be made a peer of the namespaces in the table-of-contents.
RootPageFileName The name of an html file to be included as the root home page. SplitTOCs is disabled when this property is set.
RootPageTOCName The name for the table-of-contents entry corresponding to the root page. If this is not specified and RootPageFileName is, then the TOC entry will be 'Overview'.
SdkLinksOnWeb If true, links to system types and members will point to the online MSDN library.
ShowVisualBasic This is a temporary property until we get a working language filter in the output like MSDN.
Title This is the title displayed at the top of every page.