DdeServer.PokeResult Members


Dynamic Data Exchange Library for .NET

DdeServer.PokeResult Members

DdeServer.PokeResult overview

Public Static Fields

NotProcessed Return this value if the poke was not successful.
PauseConversation Return this value to pause the conversation and execute the poke asynchronously. After the conversation has been resumed the OnPoke method will run again.
Processed Return this value if the poke was successful.
TooBusy Return this value if the server is too busy.

Public Static Operators

Equality Operator This determines whether two PokeResult objects are equal.
Inequality Operator This determines whether two ExecuteResult objects are not equal.

Public Instance Methods

Equals This determines whether two object instances are equal.
GetHashCode This returns a hash code for the object.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
ToString (inherited from ValueType)Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance.

See Also

DdeServer.PokeResult Structure | NDde.Server Namespace