DdeContext Members


Dynamic Data Exchange Library for .NET

DdeContext Members

DdeContext overview

Public Instance Constructors

DdeContext Overloaded.

Public Instance Properties

Encoding This gets or sets the default encoding that is used.
InstanceId This gets the DDEML instance identifier.
InvokeRequired This gets a bool indicating whether the caller must use Invoke.
IsInitialized This gets a bool indicating whether the context is initialized.

Public Instance Methods

AddTransactionFilter This adds a transaction filter to monitor DDE transactions.
BeginInvoke This begins an asynchronous operation to execute a delegate on the thread hosting this object.
Dispose This releases all resources held by this instance.
EndInvoke This returns the object that the delegate returned in the operation.
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
Initialize This initializes the context.
Invoke This executes a delegate on the thread hosting this object.
RemoveTransactionFilter This removes a transaction filter and stops it from monitoring DDE transactions.
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Public Instance Events

Register This is raised when a service name has been registered by a server using the DDEML.
Unregister This is raised when a service name has been unregistered by a server using the DDEML.

See Also

DdeContext Class | NDde.Advanced Namespace