Connector/NET Support
The developers of Connector/NET greatly value the input of our users in the software development process. If you find Connector/NET lacking some feature important to you, or if you discover a bug and need to file a bug report, please use the instructions in [bug-reports].
Connector/NET Community Support
Community support for Connector/NET can be found through the forums at
Community support for Connector/NET can also be found through the mailing lists at http://lists.mysql.com.
Paid support is available from Sun Microsystems, Inc. Additional information is available at http://www.mysql.com/support/.
How to report Connector/NET Problems or Bugs
If you encounter difficulties or problems with Connector/NET, contact the Connector/NET community
You should first try to execute the same SQL statements and commands from the client program or from admndemo. This helps you determine whether the error is in Connector/NET or MySQL.
If reporting a problem, you should ideally include the following information with the email:
Operating system and version
Connector/NET version
MySQL server version
Copies of error messages or other unexpected output
Simple reproducible sample
Remember that the more information you can supply to us, the more likely it is that we can fix the problem.
If you believe the problem to be a bug, then you must report the bug through http://bugs.mysql.com/.
Connector/NET Change History
The Connector/NET Change History (Changelog) is located with the main Changelog for MySQL. See [connector-net-news].