MultiArchive.SDK.Services Namespace

MultiArchive SDK .NET

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[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The namespace MultiArchive.SDK.Services includes the service classes used by the integration developer when integrating with MultiArchive through this SDK.


  Class Description
Public class ComponentContentService
This is the service class for working with ComponentContents in MultiArchive.

The usage of this class is to retrieve the content of a MultiArchive Item specified by a ContentURN. The content will be returned as a base64Binary object.
Public class ComponentService
This is the service class for working with Components in MultiArchive.

The usage of this class is to retrieve a Component from MultiArchive specified by a ComponentURN. The Component object returned can either be a folder or a specific MultiArchive Item.
Public class FieldService
Public class ItemOperationCompletedEventArgs
Class for
Public class ItemService
This is the service class for handling the creation of new items in MultiArchive.

The usage of this class is to create a new item in MultiArchive specified by an ItemSpecification object. The returned value is the Item URN of the created item in MultiArchive.
Public class LogonService
This is the service class for handling logon request against MultiArchive.

The usage of this class is to authenticate users on the MultiArchive and create a Credentials object which can be used by all the other services.
Public class LogonUrlService
Public class NtlmLogonService
This is the service class for handling NTLM logon requests against MultiArchive.

The usage of this class is to authenticate users via NTLM against MultiArchive and create a Credentials object which can be used by all the other services.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate ItemService..::..ItemOperationCompletedEventHandler
Delegate for the eventhandler which handles events raised by the eventbased CreateItem.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ItemOperationStatus
Public enumeration with statuscode for ItemOperations.