ItemService.CreateItemAsync Method

MultiArchive SDK .NET

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[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Method for creating a new item in MultiArchive.

The method makes sure that the ItemSpecification contains both field- and content-specifications and then makes an asynchronous call to the MultiArchive webservice. The return from the web service is not handled by this method but instead by the callback method provided via the parameter callback.

Namespace: MultiArchive.SDK.Services
Assembly: MultiArchive.SDK (in MultiArchive.SDK.dll) Version: (


public IAsyncResult CreateItemAsync(
	Credentials credentials,
	ItemSpecification itemSpecification,
	AsyncCallback callback,
	Object asyncState
Visual Basic
Public Function CreateItemAsync ( 
	credentials As Credentials,
	itemSpecification As ItemSpecification,
	callback As AsyncCallback,
	asyncState As Object
) As IAsyncResult
Visual C++
IAsyncResult^ CreateItemAsync(
	Credentials^ credentials, 
	ItemSpecification^ itemSpecification, 
	AsyncCallback^ callback, 
	Object^ asyncState


Type: Credentials
A Credentials object with information about the current user.
Type: ItemSpecification
A ItemSpecification object containing information about the item being created.
Type: System..::..AsyncCallback
A IAsyncCallback object which will be the method in the client that will handle the callbacks when MultiArchive have finished creating the specified item.
Type: System..::..Object
An object which is a holder sent back and forth between the client and MultiArhive web service.

Return Value

Type: IAsyncResult
The returned object from this method is an IAsyncResult.


Exception Condition
MultiArchive.SDK.Services.Exceptions..::..LogonException Throws a LogonException if the Credentials object is no longer valid.
MultiArchive.SDK.Services.Exceptions..::..ItemException Throws an ItemException if either FieldSpecifications or ContentSpecifications are missing or there are any problems with the ItemSpecification in the call to the webservice.
MultiArchive.SDK.Services.Exceptions..::..MultiArchiveSDKException Throws a MultiArchiveSDKException if an unexpected error occurs.

See Also