Get(T) Method

Moq 2.6

Retrieves the mock object for the given object instance.

Namespace:  Moq
Assembly:  Moq (in Moq.dll) Version: 2.6.1014.1 (


public static IMock<T> Get<T>(
	T mocked
where T : class


Type: T
The instance of the mocked object.

Type Parameters

Type of the mock to retrieve. Can be omitted as it's inferred from the object instance passed in as the mocked instance.

Return Value

The mock associated with the mocked object.


The following example shows how to add a new expectation to an object instance which is not the original Mock<(Of <(T>)>) but rather the object associated with it:
// Typed instance, not the mock, is retrieved from some test API.
HttpContextBase context = GetMockContext();

// context.Request is the typed object from the "real" API
// so in order to add an expectation to it, we need to get 
// the mock that "owns" it
Mock<HttpRequestBase> request = Mock.Get(context.Request);
mock.Expect(req => req.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath)


Exception Condition
ArgumentException The received mocked instance was not created by Moq.

See Also