Marks a method as a matcher, which allows complete replacement
of the built-in It class with your own argument
matching rules.
Moq (in Moq.dll) Version: 2.6.1014.1 (
C# |
public class MatcherAttribute : Attribute |
The argument matching is used to determine whether a concrete
invocation in the mock matches a given expectation. This
matching mechanism is fully extensible.
There are two parts of a matcher: the compiler matcher and the runtime matcher.
- Compiler matcherUsed to satisfy the compiler requirements for the
argument. Needs to be a method optionally receiving any arguments
you might need for the matching, but with a return type that
matches that of the argument.
Let's say I want to match a lists of orders that contains a particular one. I might create a compiler matcher like the following:
Now we can invoke this static method instead of an argument in an invocation:public static class Orders { [Matcher] public static IEnumerable<Order> Contains(Order order) { return null; } }
Note that the return value from the compiler matcher is irrelevant. This method will never be called, and is just used to satisfy the compiler and to signal Moq that this is not a method that we want to be invoked at runtime.var order = new Order { ... }; var mock = new Mock<IRepository<Order>>(); mock.Expect(x => x.Save(Orders.Contains(order))) .Throws<ArgumentException>();
- Runtime matcher
The runtime matcher is the one that will actually perform evaluation
when the test is run, and is defined by convention to have the
same signature as the compiler matcher, but where the return
value is the first argument to the call, which contains the
object received by the actual invocation at runtime:
At runtime, the mocked method will be invoked with a specific list of orders. This value will be passed to this runtime matcher as the first argument, while the second argument is the one specified in the expectation (x.Save(Orders.Contains(order))).public static bool Contains(IEnumerable<Order> orders, Order order) { return orders.Contains(order); }
The boolean returned determines whether the given argument has been matched. If all arguments to the expected method are matched, then the expectation is verified.
The following is the complete example explained above:
And the concrete test using this matcher:

public static class Orders { [Matcher] public static IEnumerable<Order> Contains(Order order) { return null; } public static bool Contains(IEnumerable<Order> orders, Order order) { return orders.Contains(order); } }

var order = new Order { ... }; var mock = new Mock<IRepository<Order>>(); mock.Expect(x => x.Save(Orders.Contains(order))) .Throws<ArgumentException>(); // use mock, invoke Save, and have the matcher filter.
Inheritance Hierarchy