WorkflowApplicationExtensions Members

MS Activities Extensions

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The WorkflowApplicationExtensions type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberCancelAsync(WorkflowApplication)
Async Task to Cancel the workflow
Public methodStatic memberCancelAsync(WorkflowApplication, TimeSpan)
Async Task to Cancel the workflow
Public methodStatic memberContainsBookmark(WorkflowApplication, String)
Extension method which determines if the bookmark collection contains a bookmark with the bookmark name
Public methodStatic memberContainsBookmark(WorkflowApplication, String, TimeSpan)
Extension method which determines if the bookmark collection contains a bookmark with the bookmark name
Public methodStatic memberGetBookmarkNames(WorkflowApplication)
Gets a list of bookmark names
Public methodStatic memberGetBookmarkNames(WorkflowApplication, TimeSpan)
Gets a list of bookmark names
Public methodStatic memberGetSingletonExtensions
Gets a readonly collection of singleton extensions
Public methodStatic memberIsAborted
Gets a value that determines if a workflow has aborted
Public methodStatic memberIsHandlerThread
Gets a value that determines if a workflow is in a handler thread
Public methodStatic memberIsInitialized
Gets a value that determines if a WorkflowApplication is initialized
Public methodStatic memberIsReadOnly
Gets a value that determines if a workflow is in a handler thread
Public methodStatic memberLoadAsync(WorkflowApplication, Guid)
Wraps the BeginLoad / EndLoad async methods in a task
Public methodStatic memberLoadAsync(WorkflowApplication, Guid, TimeSpan)
Wraps the BeginLoad / EndLoad async methods in a task
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmark(WorkflowApplication, String)
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmark(WorkflowApplication, String, Object)
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmark(WorkflowApplication, String, TimeSpan)
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmark(WorkflowApplication, String, Object, Func<(Of <<'(WorkflowApplicationIdleEventArgs, String, Boolean>)>>))
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmark(WorkflowApplication, String, Object, String)
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmark(WorkflowApplication, String, Object, TimeSpan)
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmark(WorkflowApplication, String, Object, Func<(Of <<'(WorkflowApplicationIdleEventArgs, String, Boolean>)>>), TimeSpan)
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmark(WorkflowApplication, String, Object, String, TimeSpan)
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmarkAsync(WorkflowApplication, String)
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmarkAsync(WorkflowApplication, String, Object)
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmarkAsync(WorkflowApplication, String, Object, Func<(Of <<'(WorkflowApplicationIdleEventArgs, String, Boolean>)>>))
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmarkAsync(WorkflowApplication, String, Object, String)
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmarkAsync(WorkflowApplication, String, Object, CancellationToken)
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmarkAsync(WorkflowApplication, String, Object, Func<(Of <<'(WorkflowApplicationIdleEventArgs, String, Boolean>)>>), TimeSpan)
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmarkAsync(WorkflowApplication, String, Object, String, CancellationToken)
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmarkAsync(WorkflowApplication, String, Object, String, TimeSpan)
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmarkAsync(WorkflowApplication, String, Object, Func<(Of <<'(WorkflowApplicationIdleEventArgs, String, Boolean>)>>), TimeSpan, CancellationToken)
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberResumeEpisodeBookmarkAsync(WorkflowApplication, String, Object, String, TimeSpan, CancellationToken)
Creates a task that will resume a bookmark and run the workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisode(WorkflowApplication)
Runs a workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisode(WorkflowApplication, UnhandledExceptionAction)
Runs a workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisode(WorkflowApplication, Func<(Of <<'(WorkflowApplicationIdleEventArgs, String, Boolean>)>>))
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisode(WorkflowApplication, String)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisode(WorkflowApplication, TimeSpan)
Runs a workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisode(WorkflowApplication, UnhandledExceptionAction, TimeSpan)
Runs a workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisode(WorkflowApplication, Func<(Of <<'(WorkflowApplicationIdleEventArgs, String, Boolean>)>>), TimeSpan)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisode(WorkflowApplication, String, UnhandledExceptionAction)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisode(WorkflowApplication, String, TimeSpan)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisode(WorkflowApplication, String, UnhandledExceptionAction, TimeSpan)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication)
Runs a workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, UnhandledExceptionAction)
Runs a workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, Func<(Of <<'(WorkflowApplicationIdleEventArgs, String, Boolean>)>>))
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, String)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, CancellationToken)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, TimeSpan)
Runs a workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, UnhandledExceptionAction, CancellationToken)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, UnhandledExceptionAction, TimeSpan)
Runs a workflow until the activity is Closed, Faulted, Idle or Timeout
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, Func<(Of <<'(WorkflowApplicationIdleEventArgs, String, Boolean>)>>), UnhandledExceptionAction)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, Func<(Of <<'(WorkflowApplicationIdleEventArgs, String, Boolean>)>>), CancellationToken)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, String, UnhandledExceptionAction)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, String, CancellationToken)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, String, TimeSpan)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, UnhandledExceptionAction, TimeSpan, CancellationToken)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, Func<(Of <<'(WorkflowApplicationIdleEventArgs, String, Boolean>)>>), UnhandledExceptionAction, CancellationToken)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, Func<(Of <<'(WorkflowApplicationIdleEventArgs, String, Boolean>)>>), UnhandledExceptionAction, TimeSpan)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, String, UnhandledExceptionAction, CancellationToken)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, String, UnhandledExceptionAction, TimeSpan)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, String, TimeSpan, CancellationToken)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, Func<(Of <<'(WorkflowApplicationIdleEventArgs, String, Boolean>)>>), UnhandledExceptionAction, TimeSpan, CancellationToken)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode
Public methodStatic memberRunEpisodeAsync(WorkflowApplication, String, UnhandledExceptionAction, TimeSpan, CancellationToken)
Returns a task that runs a workflow episode

See Also