Track Method

MS Activities Extensions

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Protected methodTrack(ActivityScheduledRecord, TimeSpan)
When implemented in a derived class, used to synchronously process the tracking record.
Protected methodTrack(ActivityStateRecord, TimeSpan)
When implemented in a derived class, used to synchronously process the tracking record.
Protected methodTrack(BookmarkResumptionRecord, TimeSpan)
When implemented in a derived class, used to synchronously process the tracking record.
Protected methodTrack(CancelRequestedRecord, TimeSpan)
When implemented in a derived class, used to synchronously process the tracking record.
Protected methodTrack(CustomTrackingRecord, TimeSpan)
When implemented in a derived class, used to synchronously process the tracking record.
Protected methodTrack(FaultPropagationRecord, TimeSpan)
When implemented in a derived class, used to synchronously process the tracking record.
Protected methodTrack(TrackingRecord, TimeSpan)
When implemented in a derived class, used to synchronously process the tracking record.
(Overrides TrackingParticipant..::..Track(TrackingRecord, TimeSpan).)
Protected methodTrack(WorkflowInstanceAbortedRecord, TimeSpan)
When implemented in a derived class, used to synchronously process the tracking record.
Protected methodTrack(WorkflowInstanceRecord, TimeSpan)
When implemented in a derived class, used to synchronously process the tracking record.
Protected methodTrack(WorkflowInstanceSuspendedRecord, TimeSpan)
When implemented in a derived class, used to synchronously process the tracking record.
Protected methodTrack(WorkflowInstanceTerminatedRecord, TimeSpan)
When implemented in a derived class, used to synchronously process the tracking record.
Protected methodTrack(WorkflowInstanceUnhandledExceptionRecord, TimeSpan)
When implemented in a derived class, used to synchronously process the tracking record.
Protected methodTrack(ReceiveMessageRecord, TimeSpan)
When implemented in a derived class, used to synchronously process the tracking record.
Protected methodTrack(SendMessageRecord, TimeSpan)
When implemented in a derived class, used to synchronously process the tracking record.

See Also