IAsyncProxyResult.AsyncWaitHandle Property

Mentalis.org ProxySocket

Mentalis.org ProxySocket Documentation

IAsyncProxyResult.AsyncWaitHandle Property

The AsyncWaitHandle property returns the WaitHandle that can use to perform a WaitHandle.WaitOne or WaitAny or WaitAll. The object which implements IAsyncResult need not derive from the System.WaitHandle classes directly. The WaitHandle wraps its underlying synchronization primitive and should be signaled after the call is completed. This enables the client to wait for the call to complete instead polling. The Runtime supplies a number of waitable objects that mirror Win32 synchronization primitives e.g. ManualResetEvent, AutoResetEvent and Mutex. WaitHandle supplies methods that support waiting for such synchronization objects to become signaled with "any" or "all" semantics i.e. WaitHandle.WaitOne, WaitAny and WaitAll. Such methods are context aware to avoid deadlocks. The AsyncWaitHandle can be allocated eagerly or on demand. It is the choice of the IAsyncResult implementer.

[Visual Basic]NotOverridable Public ReadOnly Property AsyncWaitHandle As System.Threading.WaitHandle
public System.Threading.WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle {final get;}

Property Value

The WaitHandle associated with this asynchronous result.

See Also

IAsyncProxyResult Class | IAsyncProxyResult Members | Org.Mentalis.Network.ProxySocket Namespace