AuthUserPass Members ProxySocket ProxySocket Documentation

AuthUserPass Members

Public Instance Constructors

AuthUserPass Constructor Initializes a new AuthUserPass instance.

Public Instance Methods

Authenticate Starts the authentication process.
BeginAuthenticate Starts the asynchronous authentication process.
Equals (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
GetType (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
ToString (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.

Protected Instance Fields

Protected Instance Properties

Buffer (inherited from AuthMethod) Gets or sets a byt array that can be used to store data.
Received (inherited from AuthMethod) Gets or sets the number of bytes that have been received from the remote proxy server.
Server (inherited from AuthMethod) Gets or sets the socket connection with the proxy server.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.

Private Instance Fields

m_PasswordHolds the value of the Password property.
m_UsernameHolds the value of the Username property.

Private Instance Properties

Password Gets or sets the password to use when authenticating with the proxy server.
Username Gets or sets the username to use when authenticating with the proxy server.

Private Instance Methods

GetAuthenticationBytes Creates an array of bytes that has to be sent if the user wants to authenticate with the username/password authentication scheme.
OnReceive Called when the socket received an authentication reply.
OnSent Called when the authentication bytes have been sent.

See Also

AuthUserPass Class | Org.Mentalis.Network.ProxySocket.Authentication Namespace