MsgBox Constants
The following constants can be used anywhere in your code in place of the actual values:
MsgBox Arguments
Constant |
Value |
Description |
vbOKOnly |
0 |
OK button only (default) |
vbOKCancel |
1 |
OK and Cancel buttons |
vbAbortRetryIgnore |
2 |
Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons |
vbYesNoCancel |
3 |
Yes, No, and Cancel buttons |
vbYesNo |
4 |
Yes and No buttons |
vbRetryCancel |
5 |
Retry and Cancel buttons |
vbCritical |
16 |
Critical message |
vbQuestion |
32 |
Warning query |
vbExclamation |
48 |
Warning message |
vbInformation |
64 |
Information message |
vbDefaultButton1 |
0 |
First button is default (default) |
vbDefaultButton2 |
256 |
Second button is default |
vbDefaultButton3 |
512 |
Third button is default |
vbDefaultButton4 |
768 |
Fourth button is default |
vbApplicationModal |
0 |
Application modal message box (default) |
vbSystemModal |
4096 |
System modal message box |
vbMsgBoxHelpButton |
16384 |
Adds Help button to the message box |
VbMsgBoxSetForeground |
65536 |
Specifies the message box window as the foreground window |
vbMsgBoxRight |
524288 |
Text is right aligned |
vbMsgBoxRtlReading |
1048576 |
Specifies text should appear as right-to-left reading on Hebrew and Arabic systems |
MsgBox Return Values
Constant |
Value |
Description |
vbOK |
1 |
OK button pressed |
vbCancel |
2 |
Cancel button pressed |
vbAbort |
3 |
Abort button pressed |
vbRetry |
4 |
Retry button pressed |
vbIgnore |
5 |
Ignore button pressed |
vbYes |
6 |
Yes button pressed |
vbNo |
7 |
No button pressed |