Conversion Keyword Summary
Action | Keywords |
ANSI value to string. | Chr |
String to lowercase or uppercase. | Format, LCase, Ucase |
Date to serial number. | DateSerial, DateValue |
Decimal number to other bases. | Hex, Oct |
Number to string. | Format, Str |
One data type to another. | CBool, CByte, CCur, CDate, CDbl, CDec, CInt, CLng, CSng, CStr, CVar, CVErr, Fix, Int |
Date to day, month, weekday, or year. | Day, Month, Weekday, Year |
Time to hour, minute, or second. | Hour, Minute, Second |
String to ASCII value. | Asc |
String to number. | Val |
Time to serial number. | TimeSerial, TimeValue |