
Microchip USB Device Library

USB Device Library Help

HardwareProfile.h is a file used to define hardware specific definitions that are required by the MCHPFSUSB stack. This file should be modified to match the application hardware. 


The following definitions are required if USB_CDC_SUPPORT_HARDWARE_FLOW_CONTROL is defined in the usb_config.h file. These definitions should be added to the HardwareProfile.h file associated with the project. 

UART_TRISTx - this defines the TRIS control bit for the TX pin of the UART module in use. 


UART_TRISRx - this defines the TRIS control bit for the RX pin of the UART module in use. 


UART_Tx - this defines the PORT pin control bit for the TX pin of the UART module in use. 

#define UART_Tx PORTBbits.RB7 

UART_Rx - this defines the PORT pin control bit for the RX pin of the UART module in use. 

#define UART_Rx PORTBbits.RB5 

UART_TRISRTS - this defines the TRIS control bit for the RTS pin of the UART module in use. Depending on the device selected this may not be part of the module. In this case a general purpose I/O pin should be selected. 


UART_RTS - this defines the PORT pin control bit for the RTS pin of the UART module in use. Depending on the device selected this may not be part of the module. In this case a general purpose I/O pin should be selected. 

#define UART_RTS PORTBbits.RB4 

UART_TRISDTR - this defines the TRIS control bit for the DTR pin of the UART module in use. Depending on the device selected this may not be part of the module. In this case a general purpose I/O pin should be selected. 


UART_DTR - this defines the PORT pin control bit for the DTR pin of the UART module in use. Depending on the device selected this may not be part of the module. In this case a general purpose I/O pin should be selected. 

#define UART_RTS PORTBbits.RB4 

UART_ENABLE - this defines bit in the device that enables the UART module. This bit may vary between devices. Please refer to the appropriate device datasheet for more information. 


Microchip MCHPFSUSB v2.3 - Sept 20, 2008
Copyright © 2008 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.