USBCBCheckOtherReq Function

Microchip USB Device Library

USB Device Library Help
USBCBCheckOtherReq Function
void USBCBCheckOtherReq();

When SETUP packets arrive from the host, some firmware must process the request and respond appropriately to fulfill the request. Some of the SETUP packets will be for standard USB "chapter 9" (as in, fulfilling chapter 9 of the official USB specifications) requests, while others may be specific to the USB device class that is being implemented. For example, a HID class device needs to be able to respond to "GET REPORT" type of requests. This is not a standard USB chapter 9 request, and therefore not handled by usb_device.c. Instead this request should be handled by class specific firmware, such as that contained in usb_function_hid.c

Typical Usage:

void USBCBCheckOtherReq(void)
    //Since the stack didn't handle the request I need to check
    //  my class drivers to see if it is for them




Microchip MCHPFSUSB v2.3 - Sept 20, 2008
Copyright © 2008 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.