Utility for localization

LuaFAR for Editor

Utility for localization

The plugin contains a utility for adding localization to user packets of scripts. The utility consists of two files: <plugin_directory>/lf4ed_lang.lua and far2/makelang.lua.

(1) Create a “language template” file (similar to lf4ed_lang.templ file in the plugin directory), let’s assume it is scripts/my_package/lang.templ.

  • The exact syntax of “language template” files is described in the file far2/makelang.lua. The template file should be in UTF-8 encoding, with or without BOM.

  • Choose some prefix for all your message identifiers (e.g. “mp”), to avoid conflicts with the existing message identifiers (if conflicts occur, they are detected by the program).

  • Every script using this message system should require "lf4ed_message". This returns a table that can be accessed for retrieving localized messages.

(2) Run the following command from the plugin’s directory:

    lua lf4ed_lang.lua scripts/my_package/lang.templ

If no errors occured, this will extend *.lng files and lf4ed_message.lua file with the localized messages of your script package.

(3) Restart Far.

Example of use:

    local M = require "lf4ed_message"
    far.Message(M.mpSomeMsgText, M.mpSomeMsgTitle, M.mpSomeMsgButtons)