This provides a filter for standard menu. Every typed symbol is added to the pattern which is used to check every menu item. Every item which satisfies the pattern is displayed, others become hidden. The pattern is displayed in the menu header.
Item, Position = far2.searchmenu(Properties, Items [, BreakKeys])
All arguments and return values are the same as for far.Menu
(see LuaFAR manual), except some optional additional fields of
AllowEmpty: Allow the user to input patterns that make menu
empty (boolean)
CheckItem: Function for determining if an item should be
from,to = CheckItem(pattern,text[,searchmethod])
Map: Table that maps keys and key combinations
to characters and actions. It allows to add
keys or redefine the treatment of user's input.
Menu: Function for displaying the menu
(defaults to far.Menu)
Pattern: Initial search pattern (string)
SearchMethod: "lua" = use Lua regexps (default)
"dos" = use DOS wildcards * and ?
"plain" = plain text search
Also, there is an optional field SearchText
in a menu item. When
present, it is used instead of the text
field when checking the
item, while the text
field is used for displaying the item.
Predefined keys
Space - insert a space character
DELETE - delete the entire pattern
BACKSPACE - delete the last symbol
CtrlV - insert a pattern from the clipboard
Available symbols
Small English letters: a-z
Numbers: 0-9
Symbols: .,><=+-_;:/?`~[]{}()\~|'"!@#$%^&*