

Jnes User Manual
Kaillera Support

Kaillera support currently is implemented, but it's a little tricky, these tips will make sure your experience is enjoyable every time. For gameplay keep in mind that the settings between everyone playing must be the same, options such as Extended Vertical Blank and any cheats must be the same on both sides prior to initiating netplay.

Another trick to using it is exiting a game currently in progress, this is due to the lack of control over Kaillera unfortunately. But if you follow these easy logical steps, you shouldn't have any problems. The first step is to close the ROM out in Jnes (File menu, then Close, this way Jnes will not be requesting data from the network), then exit the game room by selecting cancel in the open dialog. After this, if you wish to disconnect from server, close out the server chat dialog. If want to completely exit kaillera close out it's server selection dialog as well.

Only files with the .NES or .ZIP (that have a .NES rom in them) extension are enumerated in directories, sub-directories are enumerated, so when you select a rom in kaillera it will search your ROM path for the first instance of that game.

Kaillera also seems to use 27888 as the port for communication, if you have special networking needs you may need to know this.


Also important to note is that if you have trouble using kaillera in Jnes, you can always setup your own kaillera server for gameplay on a private LAN for example.