XmlAdapter (Java EE 5)


javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters Class XmlAdapter<ValueType,BoundType>

  extended by javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter<ValueType,BoundType>
Type Parameters:
BoundType - The type that JAXB doesn't know how to handle. An adapter is written to allow this type to be used as an in-memory representation through the ValueType.
ValueType - The type that JAXB knows how to handle out of the box.
Direct Known Subclasses:
CollapsedStringAdapter, HexBinaryAdapter, NormalizedStringAdapter

public abstract class XmlAdapter<ValueType,BoundType>
extends Object

修改 Java 类型以适应自定义编组。


一些 Java 类型不能自然映射到 XML 表示形式,例如,HashMap 或其他非 JavaBean 类。反之,XML 表示形式可以映射到 Java 类型,但是应用程序可能会选择使用另一种 Java 类型访问 XML 表示形式。例如,默认情况下,Java 绑定规则模式将 xs:DateTime 绑定到 XmlGregorianCalendar。但应用程序可能需要将 xs:DateTime 绑定到自定义类型,例如 MyXmlGregorianCalendar。在这两种情况下,应用程序用来访问 XML 内容的 bound 类型 与映射到 XML 表示形式的 value 类型 不匹配。

此抽象类定义将 bound 类型修改为 value 类型或将 value 类型修改为 bound 类型的方法。在编组或解组过程中,由 JAXB 绑定框架调用这些方法:

  • XmlAdapter.marshal(...):编组过程中,JAXB 绑定框架调用 XmlAdapter.marshal(..) 将 bound 类型修改为 value 类型,然后将 value 类型编组为 XML 表示形式。
  • XmlAdapter.unmarshal(...):解组过程中,JAXB 绑定框架首先将 XML 表示形式解组为 value 类型,然后调用 XmlAdapter.unmarshal(..) 将 value 类型修改为 bound 类型。
  • 编写实现此抽象类的适配器。
  • 安装使用注释 XmlJavaTypeAdapter 的适配器。

示例:自定义 HashMap 的映射。

以下示例演示了如何使用 @XmlAdapter@XmlJavaTypeAdapter 自定义 HashMap 的映射。

步骤 1:确定 HashMap 需要的 XML 表示形式。

<entry key="id123">this is a value</entry>
<entry key="id312">this is another value</entry>

步骤 2:确定上文所示的所需 XML 表示形式应当遵循的模式定义。

<xs:complexType name="myHashMapType">
<xs:element name="entry" type="myHashMapEntryType"
minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xs:complexType name="myHashMapEntryType">
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="key" type="xs:int"/>


步骤 3:编写能够生成上述模式定义的 value 类型。

     public class MyHashMapType {
         List<MyHashMapEntryType> entry;

     public class MyHashMapEntryType {
         public Integer key; 

         public String value;

步骤 4:编写将 value 类型 (MyHashMapType) 修改为 bound 类型(应用程序使用的 HashMap)的适配器。

public final class MyHashMapAdapter extends
XmlAdapter<HashMap, MyHashMapType> { ... } }

步骤 5:使用适配器。

     public class Foo {
         HashMap hashmap;
<xs:complexType name="Foo">
<xs:element name="hashmap" type="myHashMapType"

Adapts a Java type for custom marshaling.


Some Java types do not map naturally to a XML representation, for example HashMap or other non JavaBean classes. Conversely, a XML repsentation may map to a Java type but an application may choose to accesss the XML representation using another Java type. For example, the schema to Java binding rules bind xs:DateTime by default to XmlGregorianCalendar. But an application may desire to bind xs:DateTime to a custom type, MyXmlGregorianCalendar, for example. In both cases, there is a mismatch between bound type , used by an application to access XML content and the value type, that is mapped to an XML representation.

This abstract class defines methods for adapting a bound type to a value type or vice versa. The methods are invoked by the JAXB binding framework during marshaling and unmarshalling:

  • XmlAdapter.marshal(...): During marshalling, JAXB binding framework invokes XmlAdapter.marshal(..) to adapt a bound type to value type, which is then marshaled to XML representation.
  • XmlAdapter.unmarshal(...): During unmarshalling, JAXB binding framework first unmarshals XML representation to a value type and then invokes XmlAdapter.unmarshal(..) to adapt the value type to a bound type.
Writing an adapter therefore involves the following steps:
  • Write an adapter that implements this abstract class.
  • Install the adapter using the annotation XmlJavaTypeAdapter

Example: Customized mapping of HashMap

The following example illustrates the use of @XmlAdapter and @XmlJavaTypeAdapter to customize the mapping of a HashMap.

Step 1: Determine the desired XML representation for HashMap.

         <entry key="id123">this is a value</entry>
         <entry key="id312">this is another value</entry>

Step 2: Determine the schema definition that the desired XML representation shown above should follow.

     <xs:complexType name="myHashMapType">
         <xs:element name="entry" type="myHashMapEntryType"
                        minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

     <xs:complexType name="myHashMapEntryType">
         <xs:extension base="xs:string">
           <xs:attribute name="key" type="xs:int"/>


Step 3: Write value types that can generate the above schema definition.

     public class MyHashMapType {
         List<MyHashMapEntryType> entry;

     public class MyHashMapEntryType {
         public Integer key; 

         public String value;

Step 4: Write the adapter that adapts the value type, MyHashMapType to a bound type, HashMap, used by the application.

     public final class MyHashMapAdapter extends
                        XmlAdapter<HashMap, MyHashMapType> { ... }

Step 5: Use the adapter.

     public class Foo {
         HashMap hashmap;
The above code fragment will map to the following schema:
     <xs:complexType name="Foo">
         <xs:element name="hashmap" type="myHashMapType"

JAXB 2.0
  • Sekhar Vajjhala, Sun Microsystems Inc.
  • Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Sun Microsystems Inc.
See Also:

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  ValueType
abstract  BoundType
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

Constructor Detail

protected XmlAdapter()


protected XmlAdapter()
Do-nothing constructor for the derived classes.

Method Detail



public abstract BoundType unmarshal(ValueType v)
                             throws Exception
Convert a value type to a bound type.

v - The value to be converted. Can be null.
Exception - if there's an error during the conversion. The caller is responsible for reporting the error to the user through ValidationEventHandler.



public abstract ValueType marshal(BoundType v)
                           throws Exception
Convert a bound type to a value type.

v - The value to be convereted. Can be null.
Exception - if there's an error during the conversion. The caller is responsible for reporting the error to the user through ValidationEventHandler.

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