ArrayDataModel (Java EE 5)


javax.faces.model Class ArrayDataModel

  extended by javax.faces.model.DataModel
      extended by javax.faces.model.ArrayDataModel

public class ArrayDataModel
extends DataModel

Extends: DataModel

ArrayDataModelDataModel 的便捷实现,它包装了一个 Java 对象数组。


ArrayDataModel is a convenience implementation of DataModel that wraps an array of Java objects.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.model.DataModel
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

Constructor Detail

public ArrayDataModel()

构造不带指定的包装数据的新 ArrayDataModel



public ArrayDataModel()

Construct a new ArrayDataModel with no specified wrapped data.

public ArrayDataModel(Object[] array)

构造包装指定数组的新 ArrayDataModel

array 要包装的数组(如果有)


public ArrayDataModel(Object[] array)

Construct a new ArrayDataModel wrapping the specified array.

array - Array to be wrapped (if any)

Method Detail

public boolean isRowAvailable()

如果有可用的 wrappedData,并且 rowIndex 的当前值大于等于 0 且小于数组的长度,则返回 true。否则返回 false

ThrowsFacesException: 如果检测行可用性时发生错误


public boolean isRowAvailable()

Return true if there is wrappedData available, and the current value of rowIndex is greater than or equal to zero, and less than the length of the array. Otherwise, return false.

Specified by:
isRowAvailable in class DataModel
FacesException - if an error occurs getting the row availability

public int getRowCount()

如果有可用的 wrappedData,则返回该数组的长度。如果没有任何可用的 wrappedData,则返回 -1。

ThrowsFacesException: 如果获取行数时发生错误


public int getRowCount()

If there is wrappedData available, return the length of the array. If no wrappedData is available, return -1.

Specified by:
getRowCount in class DataModel
FacesException - if an error occurs getting the row count

public Object getRowData()

如果行数据可用,则返回 rowIndex 指定索引处的数组元素。如果没有任何包装数据可用,则返回 null

ThrowsFacesException: 如果获取行数据时发生错误
ThrowsIllegalArgumentException: 如果当前指定行索引处的行数据目前可用


public Object getRowData()

If row data is available, return the array element at the index specified by rowIndex. If no wrapped data is available, return null.

Specified by:
getRowData in class DataModel
FacesException - if an error occurs getting the row data
IllegalArgumentException - if now row data is available at the currently specified row index

public int getRowIndex()
ThrowsFacesException: NullPointerException 如果获取行索引时发生错误


public int getRowIndex()
Description copied from class: DataModel

Return the zero-relative index of the currently selected row. If we are not currently positioned on a row, or no wrappedData is available, return -1.

Specified by:
getRowIndex in class DataModel
FacesException - if an error occurs getting the row index

public void setRowIndex(int rowIndex)
ThrowsFacesException: NullPointerException 如果设置行索引时发生错误
ThrowsIllegalArgumentException: NullPointerException 如果 rowIndex 小于 -1


public void setRowIndex(int rowIndex)
Description copied from class: DataModel

Set the zero-relative index of the currently selected row, or -1 to indicate that we are not positioned on a row. It is possible to set the row index at a value for which the underlying data collection does not contain any row data. Therefore, callers may use the isRowAvailable() method to detect whether row data will be available for use by the getRowData() method.

If there is no wrappedData available when this method is called, the specified rowIndex is stored (and may be retrieved by a subsequent call to getRowData()), but no event is sent. Otherwise, if the currently selected row index is changed by this call, a DataModelEvent will be sent to the rowSelected() method of all registered DataModelListeners.

Specified by:
setRowIndex in class DataModel
rowIndex - The new zero-relative index (must be non-negative)
FacesException - if an error occurs setting the row index
IllegalArgumentException - if rowIndex is less than -1

public Object getWrappedData()


public Object getWrappedData()
Description copied from class: DataModel

Return the object representing the data wrapped by this DataModel, if any.

Specified by:
getWrappedData in class DataModel

public void setWrappedData(Object data)
ThrowsClassCastException: 如果 datanull 并且不是一个 Java 对象数组。


public void setWrappedData(Object data)
Description copied from class: DataModel

Set the object representing the data collection wrapped by this DataModel. If the specified data is null, detach this DataModel from any previously wrapped data collection instead.

If data is non-null, the currently selected row index must be set to zero, and a DataModelEvent must be sent to the rowSelected() method of all registered DataModelListeners indicating that this row is now selected.

Specified by:
setWrappedData in class DataModel
data - Data collection to be wrapped, or null to detach from any previous data collection
ClassCastException - if data is non-null and is not an array of Java objects.

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