Inno Setup Preprocessor: Extended Command Line Compiler
Inno Setup Preprocessor replaces the standard Inno Setup Command Line Compiler (ISCC.exe) by an extended version. This extended version provides extra parameters to control Inno Setup Preprocessor.
Usage: iscc [options] scriptfile.iss. Or to read from standard input: iscc [options] -.
Options are to emulate a define or pragma directive are:
/d<name>[=<value>] | Sets #define public <name> <value> |
/$<letter>(+|-) | Sets #pragma option -<letter>(+|-) |
/p<letter>(+|-) | Sets #pragma parseroption -<letter>(+|-) |
/i<paths> | Sets #pragma include -<paths> |
/{#<string> | Sets #pragma inlinestart -<string> |
/}<string> | Sets #pragma inlineend -<string> |
/v<number> | Sets #pragma verboselevel -<number> |
Other valid options are: "/O" to specify an output path (overriding any OutputDir setting in the script), "/F" to specify an output filename (overriding any OutputBaseFilename setting in the script), and "/Q" for quiet compile (print only error messages).
Example: iscc /$c- /pu+ "/dLic=Trial Lic.txt" /iC:\INC;D:\INC "c:\isetup\samples\my script.iss"
ISCC will return an exit code of 0 if the compile was successful, 1 if the command line parameters were invalid or an internal error occurred, or 2 if the compile failed.