Adobe InDesign CS6 Server (8.0) Object Model JS: FootnotePrefixSuffix

InDesign Server CS6

 Footnote prefix or suffix placement options.


FootnotePrefixSuffix.NO_PREFIX_SUFFIXDoes not use a prefix or suffix.1181774702 = 'Fpsn'
FootnotePrefixSuffix.PREFIX_SUFFIX_BOTHPlaces the prefix and/or suffix on both the the footnote reference number in the main text and the footnote marker number in the footnote text.1181774690 = 'Fpsb'
FootnotePrefixSuffix.PREFIX_SUFFIX_MARKERPlaces the prefix and/or suffix on the footnote marker number in the footnote text.1181774708 = 'Fpst'
FootnotePrefixSuffix.PREFIX_SUFFIX_REFERENCEPlaces the prefix and/or suffix on the footnote reference number in the main text.1181774706 = 'Fpsr'


As property


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